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What I’m Up To

It was a long weekend of sitting on my butt.  My least favorite workout of them all.  Sitting on my butt leads me to "sitting on my butt syndrome"a .  The old man is gone, I have no back up and we had a weekend of swim meets.  The good news is he feels guilty, which means I have diligently earned some more kitchen passes.  Arriving home around dinner time I came home to a story of what a great bike ride the old man had, that the re-known Chris

I'm a good girl and it took all of 41 years to figure it out.  That doesn't seem quite right does it.  I have been feeling bad about myself for so long, I have finally recognized that the things that I have done in m life, the choices I have made are all good.  Everything I have ever done has made me who I am today. I haven't always made good decisions, nor do I say that I will ever make a mistake in the future.  The truth of the

This transition is finally over.  I have finally gotten to where I need my body to be to resume training at it's regular level in time and intensity.  It was a week longer than I expected.  I am certain this is partly because of the snake bite I received in the Franklin Mountains. I feel pretty good, I did my first track workout.  It was fun, I enjoyed the old school running surface I was on.  It was so gently compared to the fake stuff.  It worked the muscles of my

I thought Don Julio was a friend of mine.  As always, tying a good one on, leaves me with the reminder of why I only tie one on a couple of times per year.  I had a beer and two Don Julios last night.  They were tasty then, not so much now.  Right now I want bacon and hash browns!  Get me bacon and hash browns.  So we did manage to go through a full bottle of Don Julio.  I really appreciate everyone who came over to partake in the

Finally tomorrow, I am my racing age.  I have been telling everyone I am 41 since January.  Hell that's what it says on my I.D., from USA Cycling. I started my antibiotic for my snake bite yesterday.  I pretty much knew last Thursday I had some sort of infection going on in my leg.  I didn't want to start the antibiotic before Comfort.  Probably a good thing with all the conditions.  Although, as good as I feel 12 hours into it, I probably would have had a better race, had I. 

A weekend at home, but not as quite and relaxing as I would hope for.  More like craziness.  But I think, crazy is the Nance middle name.  We got through Friday unscathed by total craziness.  I did go a little stir crazy albeit, being home, not working, not exercising, my little monkey and I had a grand time.  Early to bed, late to rise, is my tune.  It was awesome.  I worked my BUTT off Friday.  I finally got our bedroom re-arranged, LO-OVE it!!  And I am so happy the

My favorite race.  I haven't missed a beat in 4 years.  Last year I showed up with bronchitis and a sinus infection and rode until I couldn't ride anymore.  Well, this time the old man is gone, so I thought, 'hell, since I can't find anyone to do a double sleep over so I can race, the girls and I will go down Friday night or Saturday and camp out.  The oldest little monkey even got a sleeping bag for the occasion. I pick the monkeys up from school and one

We pulled into the ranch Friday afternoon after a non stress drive, pulled the bikes out and headed out for a ride.  I was amazingly tired, breathing heavy, felt really tired, there was some water on the trail in low line areas, but other than that it seemed like it was going to be a perfect day for racing.  My main concern was that there was going to be ice on the ledges in the beginning after the first climb.  Race day  came, I thought I would do without my

Justin came in from Seattle to race Comfort.  Comfort is my favorite course.  It's a lot of people's favorite course, including Lance Armstrong.  Lance was funny going into the race, on again off again, on again, off again. ON.  I was talking to my friend Christianne about the rain. Thursday was only .75 inches, and then, boom the sky opened up and let loose.  I was kinda worried about them down there will a tornado watch and the possibility of hail. We weren't in any hurry to get there because of

After showing my 'puncture' wounds to several people at work they all looked at me like I was crazy for not going to the DR to have them checked out.  So off I went, and 460 dollars and 4 hours later, I got some of  the most intelligent responses I have ever paid 460 dollars for. And folks think coaching is expensive.  Hell, I could pay myself for months with what I paid there, and I certainly did not receive as good as service!! First entrance, "80% of Pit Vipers don't