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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach


This transition is finally over.  I have finally gotten to where I need my body to be to resume training at it’s regular level in time and intensity.  It was a week longer than I expected.  I am certain this is partly because of the snake bite I received in the Franklin Mountains.

I feel pretty good, I did my first track workout.  It was fun, I enjoyed the old school running surface I was on.  It was so gently compared to the fake stuff.  It worked the muscles of my legs the way I prefer them to be worked.  And it will definitely bring me closer to my next goal.  Which is a podium finish at Worlds.  My numbers were a little slower than I would have liked to see.  I know some of that was the 25 mph winds I was dealing with and some of it was the surface I was training on.  I got 5 x 400’s @ threshold pace and 2×200 done on repetition pace.  I felt good about what I accomplished due to the reasons aforementioned.

Things are really changing around here.  Change is good, as always, learning new things, finding new ways to express my creative self.  Getting involved with things that bring me closer to my divine self.  I wish that all things merged into the divine knowing.  That all things are good.

I bought a new espresso machine yesterday, a birthday gift from my father.  It’s going back today.  What a struggle to find a good affordable machine.  One that is simple.  Simplicity is where it’s at.

My little monkey has expressed her desire to save the world.  She wants me to start here.  She want EVERYONE to watch; “the Cove”.  I’ll leave it at that.  This is something I would like to have an open discussion about at sometime in the future when enough people have watched it.

Gotta continue work and playZ