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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I’m a good girl

I’m a good girl and it took all of 41 years to figure it out.  That doesn’t seem quite right does it.  I have been feeling bad about myself for so long, I have finally recognized that the things that I have done in m life, the choices I have made are all good.  Everything I have ever done has made me who I am today. I haven’t always made good decisions, nor do I say that I will ever make a mistake in the future.  The truth of the matter is; even if I make a bad decision, I am still a good girl to the core.

I believe we are all good girls and good boys.  Sure we struggle sometimes with what the right decision is, at the end of the day we are all human beings, we all deserve to be treated like human beings, especially from our spouses.  We don’t deserve to be talked bad to, not from our parents, not from our work associates, not from some guy on the highway with road rage.  For the most part we are all good, just struggling to become better people.  Striving to contribute to the Divine Plan.  Finding our ways to harmony and equality.

Equality = I am an equal to you.

Human Being =  Human Being.

It does not mean you are better than me if you  make more money than me.  It doesn’t mean I work less, contribute less, or are any less of a person, I am still a human being.  I am better at some things than you are, that doesn’t make me any better of a person than you.  We are all here trying to get to the same place.  Some of us more peacefully than others.  I am in line with the Divine Plan for me, I am happy with where I am, I am happy with what I am doing, I am happy being me for the first time in my life.


Make sure you tell your kids they are good kids, make sure you tell your wife she is a good girl, make sure you tell your husband he is a good boy, make sure you tell everyone they are good.  You’ll believe it and eventually they may too

Tuesday Recovery Ride 1:15  15 mph

Monday Swim mile for time: 29 minutes, slow as molasses but after the weekend, I’ll take it.

Sunday 3 hour hammerfest with Blue Bonnet.  Went out too hard and got dropped like a bad habit and could barely make it home.

Saturday Track Workout: Rode SS there, did 400’s on 1:47

Friday: Sat on my butt picked my nose, picked my neighbors nose, just seeing if you’re paying attention.
