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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Rattlesnake Bite or Not a rattle snake bite, that is the question

After showing my ‘puncture’ wounds to several people at work they all looked at me like I was crazy for not going to the DR to have them checked out.  So off I went, and 460 dollars and 4 hours later, I got some of  the most intelligent responses I have ever paid 460 dollars for. And folks think coaching is expensive.  Hell, I could pay myself for months with what I paid there, and I certainly did not receive as good as service!!

First entrance, “80% of Pit Vipers don’t release their venom when they strike”

Second entrance, “That looks too big to be a snake bite, I’m going to get the resident ‘snake expert'”.

Third entrance, “That would have had to be a 5-6 foot pit viper”.  It was probably a scorpian”.

Yeah, a flying scorpian that happen to have two tails.  That’s about the funniest thing I have ever heard.

After much deliberation and, of course, speaking with many people.  The cake being after talking to someone who has actually been bit by a rattlesnake.  That the verdict is, yes, I was biten by a 5-6 foot pit viper who, yes, did not release venom.  My guy today said the bigger they are the less likely they are to release venom.  And that all those crazy symptoms I was having for about 4 hours, lack of hunger, lack of thirst, paranoia, confusion, and redness to the skin, as well as the chills, and the  hallucinating at the hotel later that night were all related to a pit viper bite.  So, I guess, I’m tougher than I thought I was.  And I feel, like I did a much better job at the race than I thought earlier.  Although, I did do the best I could, throughout the race.

So look out ladies, I can finish the hardest mountain bike race in Texas while being biten by a rattlesnake about a third of the way through.  :o)

LOL, that made me laugh almost out of my seat.

I have not GF binged as bad as the last race.  I have had a couple of meals out and now feel…well, do you remember the days you used to drink or try to drink everybody under the table and then, probably drink some more, and then you woke up and felt like you were still drunk.  Well, right now that’s how I feel.  Like I drank too much.  But I didn’t drink anything.  And yes, right now it was worth it.  We’ll see what I”m saying by Wednesday.  I feel kinda gurgly and gross, honestly.

The little monkeys had a swim meet today and they both did so well.  I am so proud of both of them.  They are proud of themselves too, and that’s most important.

I race this weekend at Comfort, my favorite.  I love that race.  That venue, I’ve never had to race their muddy, if it’s muddy it will be SS all the way.  And yes, Lance Armstrong of Team Radioshack is confirmed.