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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

PR by 6 AM

It was a long weekend of sitting on my butt.  My least favorite workout of them all.  Sitting on my butt leads me to “sitting on my butt syndrome”a .  The old man is gone, I have no back up and we had a weekend of swim meets.  The good news is he feels guilty, which means I have diligently earned some more kitchen passes.  Arriving home around dinner time I came home to a story of what a great bike ride the old man had, that the re-known Chris Powers was there, 32 mph down Shiloh.  I don’t want to come home to a dirty breakfast dish and pan left out on the counter.  It’s truly OK though because I really needed some kitchen passes; so I was glad to have some kitchen passes because I’m going to be burning through a few more in the next month or two.

By youngest monkey swam on Friday.  All PR’s.  My oldest monkey swam all day Saturday and Sunday, all PR’s.  That makes for one proud momma.

My birthday present, still hasn’t arrived.  My Cuisinart Espresso machine.  My Starbucks habit having got so overwhelmingly expensive being into 3 weeks without an espresso machine, I bit the bullet and bought a Mr Coffee.  Which at 40 bucks will save be that in 7 days at Starbucks.

It’s much easier to get up out of bed at 4am when there is Mr Coffee waiting to get you rolling and out the door.  Just the desire to get out of bed to get my workout in is greater.  So out of bed I jump, weather check, espresso in hand, out the door by 4:50.  I’m going to do my best to get a PR on the Jeter Loop.  I feel pretty good since I have had sitting on my butt syndrome.  Two days off can be rejuvenating.  I ran it in the dark, with Crazy Mol-Mol in 46 minutes.  This included stopping 2 times to unravel and tons of pulling.  So I’m very pleased with my little self.

I have the rest of my cappuccino in the car, can’t wait to drink it on the way to the pool.  I have  very little time left before Xterra, I will soon feel like my world is crashing in.

I can’t wait to do my next track workout.  Crazy stuff happens.  But when will the next bike ride come?  Especially off road?!?  I went to Horseshoe on Friday which was going to be 1.5 hours of fun.  Man, it was wet.  But I ran into Keith Gray, whom I  want to be on the team, and spent 45 minutes talking about gear differentials.  Very interesting, he’s a smart guy.

Looks like I have a 3100 yards to swim today.  Where’s the rest of that espresso.:o)

The weird thing about 4 AM in the 8 PM bedtime that goes with it.  I have a friend who can’t sleep well.  I think, she should come do my track workout with me.

Rain, Rain go away, I’m tired of weeding and riding on the road.

Won’t be long before we’re all saying; heat, heat go away.