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Tip of the Day

Your Line Is Everything – The line you pick to go through the turn will determine your outcome. The video below will show you how to chose that line, but also look for any rocks or roots that are looking to kick you off of that line. There is a preferred method of attacking switchbacks, but if that line is covered up with harder terrain…you might have to improvise. * Keep Your Balance – This is one of those situations where practicing your trackstanding really pays off. Typically (especially when riding

Zoe Means Life. ZoeFitness is Fitness for Life. Fitness is more than just waking up one day and deciding you "want to lose, 20, 40, or 100 pounds". It's about making healthier choices for LIFE. Take more steps each day; walking to the mailbox, parking further away from the door, taking your dogs, kids, and you out for an evening walk. It's about turning the television off more, it's about having 'dedicated' time for the computer. It's about making one healthier choice in your meal plan today. And tomorrow you notice you're feeling better, so you do a little bit more

Polo Swim Drill 100 FREE/50 Kick/100 DRILL/50 Kick x 3 8 x 50 #1 Fast 8 strokes #2 Middle 25 Fast #3 All Fast but controlled #4 All EZ x 2 6 x 100 Aerobic Pull; slight descend** 2 x 300 50 Polo Drill/50 Fast Breast Pull with fast flutter kick/50 back  x 2** ** Add 8 x 50 to increase yardage/meters: 8 x 50 #1 Fast 8 strokes #2 Middle 25 Fast #3 All Fast but controlled #4 All EZ x 2

1) Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's): The diet is high in animal protein and therefore high in: valine, leucine, and isoleucine.  BCAA's are essential in building and repairing muscles.  It's best to consume these in the 'post exercise' window. 2)  Blood Acidity vs Blood Alkalinity:  Along with the stimulation of muscle protein, the Paleo Diet prevents muscle protein breakdown because it produces a net metabolic alkalosis.  The American Diet is net acid producing because of high consumption of grains, , cheeses and salty processed fruits instead of base producing fruits and

Hydration: Race Day: The day before drink enough water so your urine is the light yellow.  It should be light enough to read a paper through.  This is roughly 100 ounces for men and 72 ounces of water. This is true every day, not just the day prior to a big race. Pre Race: Drink 12-16 ounces of fluid 2 hours before your race.  This gives your kidneys enough time for one last trip to the port-o-potties. If you exercise first thing in the morning drink at least 8 ounces 15 minutes before you

Drills Run for the week: Running Pose: Feet hip with apart standing on Toe Boxes slow count to 10, until your legs start to shake.  Rest, do this 3 times. Pony: Go back into running pose, bring  one heel down, near the ground, and back up switch legs.  Repeat 10 times each side.  Rest.  And repeat 2 more times on each side. From a standing position bring one leg so hip is in 20 degrees of hip extension and on that toe box.  Bend leg through knee curl (hamstring curl).  Repeat 10 times, switch legs.  Do a total

Acute Muscle Acidosis inhibits protein synthesis; In the research a supplementation drink of: 25 g whey protein 4 g leucine 50 g carbohydrates best promotes protein synthesis during strength training.  I believe leucine will also help protein synthesis during endurance training of higher intensities. Acute Muscle Acidosis inhibits protein synthesis; In the research a supplementation drink of:25 g whey protein4 g leucine50 g carbohydrates best promotes protein synthesis during strength training.  I believe leucine will also help protein synthesis during endurance training of higher intensities.