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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Why is the Paleo Diet Considered an Ergogenic Aid for Athletes?

1) Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s): The diet is high in animal protein and therefore high in: valine, leucine, and isoleucine.  BCAA’s are essential in building and repairing muscles.  It’s best to consume these in the ‘post exercise’ window.

2)  Blood Acidity vs Blood Alkalinity:  Along with the stimulation of muscle protein, the Paleo Diet prevents muscle protein breakdown because it produces a net metabolic alkalosis.  The American Diet is net acid producing because of high consumption of grains, , cheeses and salty processed fruits instead of base producing fruits and vegetables.  One way the body neutralizes a net acid producing diet is breaking down muscle tissue.

3) Trace Nutrients:  Fruits and vegetables are great sources of antioxidants vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals and along with lean meats the Paleo Diet promotes optimal immune system function.  A healthy athlete, free of colds and illnesses can train more consisently and intensely and improve performance.

4)  Glycogen Stores:  One of the most important goals of any athletes diet is to maintain high muscle stores of glycogen, a fuel is that is essential for high level performance.  Dietary starches and sugars are are the number one source for replenishing glycogen stores.  Glycogen synthesis is like Branch Chain Aminio Acids and should be consumed in the post exercise window.

Eating carbs all day long is overkill and actually serves to displace the muscle building lean proteins and alkalinity enhancing , nutrient dense fruits and vegetables that are needed to promote muscle growth and boost the athletes immune system.

The Paleo Diet for Athlete’s recognizes that consuming starches and simple sugars is necessary and useful only during and immediately post exercise period.