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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Drills Run Workout

Drills Run for the week:

Running Pose: Feet hip with apart standing on Toe Boxes slow count to
10, until your legs start to shake.  Rest, do this 3 times.

Pony: Go back into running pose, bring  one heel down, near the ground,
and back up switch legs.  Repeat 10 times each side.  Rest.  And repeat 2
more times on each side.

From a standing position bring one leg so hip is in 20 degrees of hip
extension and on that toe box.  Bend leg through knee curl (hamstring
curl).  Repeat 10 times, switch legs.  Do a total of 3 sets of 10.  Really
kick that butt.

Lateral movements: 3 sets of 10 each direction.  Do ankles together with
small hop/clap in the center.

Lateral movements with legs crossing.  Movement, movement, wiggle, wiggle,
wiggle, arms are up.  Do 3 x each direction slow and methodical.  Then, do
3 x each direction as fast as you can: flying, flying, flying on those toe

Standing on one leg; bend knee bringing it up towards your hips in front
of you.  Repeat 10 times and 3 x on each side.

Pendulem swing, slow and methodical.  Legs hip width apart bend knees
about 10 degrees and bring one leg into hip abduction, away from your
midline.  Repeat 10 times on one side and then switch sides.  Do 3 sets of
10 to each side.

Run 5 x 1 minute practicing running without putting your break on(landing
on your heel)  Practice landing on toe box.  Recover as long as you

Stay tuned for more tips to improve your performance.

It’s not about being fast, it’s about getting faster!
