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What I’m Up To

They've been flying past, for the most part.  It's just that life gets crazy sometimes, and I get behind. Way behind. Everything was going great, until I decided to walk into a bar. And hit my head. And get a concussion that lasted consistently for 2 weeks, and lingered for a total of 3.  I don't think, I'll be walking into a bar for a while. And then, came the crud.  I didn't know it was the crud at the time.  I was down a week, and then, fought a sinus infection last week, the

However, I have successfully completed all 3 of my 3 attempts in El Paso, at The Puzzler. This is one of my favorite races.  It always has been, always will be. It's held in the Franklin Mountains.  It's my favorite, why? Because the Franklin Mountains are harsh, unforgiving, relentless.  If you're not careful out there, they will eat you alive.  Or at least your tires, and your morale. My 1st attempt:  I participated in the Puzzler it was 2010.  I was living in Texas.   I ran gears, and did the full Marathon.  It was

1.14.2016 There's been a lot of talk lately of me being a Bad Ass.  You'll find it on social media, among my friends, my coaching clients, and my acquaintances.  In recent days it's come to my attention that being a bad ass is a lot like being fast. When it comes to being fast I have a saying, "There will always be someone faster than you, and someone slower than you." It's the same for  being a bad ass.  There will always be someone more than a bad ass than me, and someone who

Happy New Year! As with every day, every new year, I wish the best for you always. My last 2 trips scheduled to Texas have been tanked. Storms, and closed trails.  C'est la vie. Up in the foothills the week leading into the  new year Oh Great Exercise came and spoke to me, "You must go sit on the beach New Years Eve" OK, Deal.  Let's see what this adventure brings.                 I met a friend last Leadville, on Columbine Climb.  Who our last trip to  LA said, "next time bring your bike". OK, Deal. All I knew is I wanted to ride

It was a really big year for me.  The biggest.  Or at least the biggest in a long time.  The summer is over, and now I'm able to reflect back and appreciate all that has been unfolding for me. 2015 The Summer of Change. On June 5th I found out that I would once again be able to call New Mexico my home.  On June 7th, I packed the car with what was left and drove across country linking Winona, Minnesota and Albuquerque, New Mexico for the last time. November 2014 is when everything

What a great race, and a great time. The 2nd week of June I had this realization.  That there was no becoming the bad ass single speeder I used to be, there is only being.  So I decided to do 24 hours of the Enchanted Forest. I have been studying muscle memory for 3 to 5 years, on myself, and on certain clients, whom I know their backgrounds in endurance. Muscle Memory is real, and I am here to prove it without a doubt. My longest ride occurred on 5.9.2015, with a total time

2015 ZoeFitness 3-Day Mountain Bike Altitude Training Camp Albuquerque/Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico July 31st- August 2nd 2015 **Helmets must be worn at all times on the bike Held Under USA Cycling Permit:  Annual License or Day License Required Contact Information: Zoe Nance                                                                                 817.266.4557 Schedule: Friday July 31st 10AM What:  Ride in Foothills @ 6200 feet. Where:  Bear Canyon Parking Lot: Albuquerque, New Mexico 4PM Hilton Homewood Suites Uptown: 7101 Arvada Avenue NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 Educational Seminar:  Training and Racing at High Altitude   Saturday August 1st 10 AM What: Ride from approximately 8500 feet to above 12,000 feet Where:    Black Canyon Campground 704 Hyde