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What I’m Up To

  With My Great Adventure Glasses.  Nothing says it better than the glasses I won last summer at the Terra Firma Racing San Juan Hut to Hut Race.  When the glasses come out, that's when you know it's going to be good, real good. It says one thing: ROAD TRIP!! This time down to Dallas for the Frozen Endurance Series, DORBA race, on my old home course, at Northshore Trail.  Those are some nice trails, and with the weather forecast at 68 degrees, it's going to be heaven. Wednesday night the cough came.  This didn't

First off, I want to mention, I have resigned calling my PHAT bike a Fat Bike.  I used to call it my Fat Bike, but the more I rode it, the more I learned about the sport, and the more fun I had, I just had to change the name to PHAT bike; as in, Pretty Hot and Tempting. I have taken the bike out a few times since I purchased it.  This is my very first day on it.  See how I am really happy and there are leaves on the

It's been a great week. In many ways. I swam today, and I haven't been able to because of my Peak.  So that was nice.  I got in a 2100: 100 Swim 300 Swim with snorkel 200 Pull 100 Kick, no fins 4 x 150 swim/swim with fins/pull/swim 4 x 100 IM 200 Reverse Dolphin/Backstroke kick/Swim I picked up my new bike: Batman: I took him out that day, it was very wet, and kind of scary.  I did a hot lap in 1:17 with mostly walking the Quarry.  Too Scary, new equipment, wet roots and rocks, must  pick up the kids in

My dermatologist called, I have "pre skin cancer". In the book of Zoe I do not have cancer. I will not treat it with cancer medicine. When I was 16 years old the DR told me I had "pre cancer of the cervix" So at 16 I underwent cervical cauterization to find out 10 years later that they no longer treat abnormal cells in this fashion, but instead they monitor it and in most cases the abnormal cells some how become normal cells. In the years since then, I have had several experiences where I

There's this great book, "Organizing from the Inside Out". Well, a week ago, I decided I needed to clean from the Inside Out. It's been a slow process to get motivated to do it because it scares me. Plan A.  Vegetable Protein. Yuck. Ew. Plan B.  Juicing Plan C.  Fast   So, I am currently on Plan A, I have been for 10 days. I have dropped 4 pounds of fat, don't think, any muscle. And switched 2 cups of coffee for Green Tea. How's it been going? Well, let's see, my 1st epic ride, I was hallucinating.  That can't be good.  I

Well, it was supposed to be over last week. And with one home sick, I got the love and was down between her and me, 3 days, plus a slow forward moving comeback. I had a pretty good week last week. I did the slowest 5 miles ever in my life. = 2 hours.   I'm looking for Xterra Runs that will work with a Holzinger bike ride. I went from Lower Garvin Heights to Upper Garvin Heights via the stairs. A couple of weekends ago, I heard someone say that you could go from the top to

I have been reading a lot of good books lately. I just finished: "The Spark", which is an amazing book about the Mom of an autistic child, the struggles and complications of Special Ed, and how she not only fed the spark of her autistic child but for many.  Turns out the child she was told will never read, is smarter than any IQ test, and is in college studying astronomy, astrophysics, and a math genius by the time he is 12. Labels, crazy, haven't we learned, yet? Generally, I do program design before

If we are becoming a Nation of Mediocrity. I believe we may be. Not sure why at the end of my swim workout, I would have this thought come into my head. It may have had something to do with the life guard getting off the stand, and putting the Pool Closed sign up when there was still about 5 minutes left on the clock.  And out the door at 8:59 leaving me to gather my things without supervision. I have had hard workouts before, when I've been loading up my gear, and nearly