My Drug of Choice starts with S-C and Rhymes with Pot
My Scott. This drug lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, decreases depression increases mental processes increases endorphins decreases stress hormones increases immunity, just to name a few. Yea, my Team Issue Foil is nice, but nothing beats time on the 29'er, Scale Pro. Yesterday headed up to the ski hill for some King of the Mountain fun. I met Rose, and Beth headed up. I haven't blogged in awhile. As if I haven't had anything to say. You're right, hard to imagine. 1:50 to the top of KOM, my slowest time, I'm sure since 1995. I want to remember that time. I'm going
San Francisco or Bust
May 29th. Man, it's been a long strange trip. Not strange, just long. :) Day 1: Drove from Albuquerque, New Mexico after Arielle's 5th grade graduation, to Las Vegas, Nevada. Was sad and immensely missed the drive over Hoover Dam. They built a giant super highway bridge. We took the old highway down, and stopped for a few milliseconds. Made it to my sisters. Both days woke up with the birds. On Friday we went to Red Rocks did a nice hike into the Canyon, drove the loop. That night we went down
9 Hours in 3 days
And I am more than toast. TH was 'in the saddle for 4 hours'. I only wanted 3 but the powers to be decided to test me. It was probably only 3.5 hours of riding, maybe closer to 3. I was out there longer than I wanted to be, way longer. I did end up catching the tail of a ride, the "Reaper". I sprinted about 150 yards to get on, held on, then, they bored me by going to slow, then, I sprinted up front, pulled, and blew up, it
Today the smog was bad, I felt so guilty, I rode my bike to swimming. My 500 M's are on 8:30 and I can see my desk: a Great Day.
I Have Never Made a Mistake
In my training. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, with very few, if any regrets :) Until last week, and I wish I could say it was a simple mistake. I was going along in my happy little life, transitioning from Dawn to Dusk, into Alcatraz Swim: running here, biking there. Monday I thought, "I should see where I am in my training" Keep in mind, I generally check every week, where I should be. I saw my long run should be at 2:45 2:45 That's a long shot off of 1:00 or 70 minutes. Holy Burrito Bat
Some people don't like Mondays, I'm guessing because they don't like Mondays, they're Mondays meet them with the same energy they meet Mondays. Positive Energy brings Positive Things. Words to act by. That's why it's important to be careful for what you ask for: the minute you think a thought, you set that thought into motion. Weeks are flying by, not quite out of control. Comfortable Chaos. :) Last Monday I spent 30 minutes in <65 degree water temperature. A good solid 30 minutes. I was toast for 1.5 days. Had a nice tempo 50 mile ride,
I’ve Made an Executive Decision
My Birthday next year, I'm celebrating a whole week! 2 shopping trips, going out to dinner, 1 huge birthday party with my friends, 1 sleepover with my best friend. I'm not going to cook dinner or do dishes for a whole week. Why is it only our children get 'week' long celebrations? I'm in! So put it in your calender
Today Started Off Like This
April Fool's. I knew it was snowing for our buddy Rico, but it made me sad, because his nick name was 'snow otter'. He used to burrow under the snow until his face was white with snow. So cute. I had a ride schedule 4-5 hours. I couldn't decide between riding up the crest on my new Scott Foil 2012 Team Issue OR taking the Mountain Bike out for a spin. Well, snow, well, 1 hour run. So I loaded up Mojo and Molly and away we went. Up to Pino Canyon. Wow, the
I’ve Been Addicted to Facebook
You have to be addicted to something. So I guess, if you have to be addicted to something, Facebook is the lesser of many evils available for addiction. I definitely have been on Facebook more to ease my pain. It took some time for me to get depressed. Once we moved, I felt so good not being sick all the time, I never had time to grieve the pain, the loss of my dream home, my Dallas career, my friends, the familiarity of the place I called home. It finally hit me
Today I learned a 2 a day is much more painful than One long one
I've been very busy. Busy with Annual Training Plans, new athlete's, welcome Kyle Martinez to Team Zoefitness and Zoefitness trained athletes'. Kyle just took his Cat IV upgrade, 2nd race since I started coaching him 2nd place over the weekend. Texas March rain's kept some people at bay for racing. Bummer, lots of indoor rides, trainers and spin bikes. I ran 9 miles this morning: 1.5 hour. Was going to run with hubby tonight, 1 hour. Unfortunately had to run it alone. All I could do was think about how painful the run was. I