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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

My Drug of Choice starts with S-C and Rhymes with Pot

My Scott.


This drug lowers cholesterol,

lowers blood pressure,

decreases depression

increases mental processes

increases endorphins

decreases stress hormones

increases immunity, just to name a few.

Yea, my Team Issue Foil is nice, but nothing beats time on the 29’er, Scale Pro.

Yesterday headed up to the ski hill for some King of the Mountain fun.  I met Rose, and Beth headed up.

I haven’t blogged in awhile.  As if I haven’t had anything to say.

You’re right, hard to imagine.

1:50 to the top of KOM, my slowest time, I’m sure since 1995.  I want to remember that time.  I’m going to run it.  Monday seems like a good day.  I made it all in the saddle.  It was dry. I walked a lot, it was demoralizing.  Then, I said good bye to everyone, and did a ‘beginner loop’.  Another 3rd or so up the mountain.  During the beginner loop I began hearing more and more rub on by disc.  Low and behold I had brake rub, that was significant, slowing the wheel at about 3 rotations.  Is that the reason of my slow time to the top?  Who knows, let’s hope so.

So yesterday was a good day, with almost 20 miles, with tons of climbing, tons.

I feel pretty good today.  I am taking the day off though, to work hard.

So I can play hard Saturday and Sunday.

Wednesday I wanted to run around the Academy.  I’m not sure about the exact mileage.  I’m not sure if my knee would totally fall apart.  I went to time it, and I was 72 hours from my dreaded Sunday.  Let’s see how this goes, I ran as fast as I could.  I felt like I was running ‘tempo’. I just mapped it with my time.  Right about 9 minute miles. Not bad considering, I thought I was dying.

Me, I am never embarrassed to step up to the plate and have myself humiliated in the name of getting faster.  So Wednesday in the pool, I worked only on sculling.  That could have been totally embarrassing, except, I signed up for it.  I’m fine on my front, I have no control over what my legs do on my back, feet or head first.  My legs sink.  I had to kind of kick them to keep control over what was going on: sink, sink, sink, to the bottom of the  pool, not going anywhere.

Man, the things I do to get faster.  Then, again, drills are my favorite workouts, cause, well, I don’t have to breathe hard.

Now comes Sunday,

The Long Run

Let me 1st start off by bulleting my stupidity:

  • I had been at sea level for 2 weeks

There’s a reason why we don’t recommend competing for  12-24 days after returning to altitude

  • My longest run in 2 weeks, an hour.
  • Ate grains the night before
  • Bit off more than I could chew
  • Probably shouldn’t have picked the most challenging of 2 run choices I had made.
  • San Francisco was 50-60 degrees and it’s 90 plus here
  • Too little charge in my cell phone to handle an emergency
Off I went.
 My Camelbak 100 ounces of water and food for a week: arm warmers, rain jacket, etc. etc
The 1st 9 went fine.  Just clipping a long and then came the 3 mile climb on the road, it got steep enough that I had to walk some going into the trail.  Not much.  I didn’t think anything of it.  Then, I hit the trail, went up La Luz about 3 miles.  My knee, which has been hurting (I’m pretty sure I fixed the problem at this point, I will know Monday) was forcing me to walk.  No worries really, because in Leadville there will be much walking.  There’s no way around it.  Even in the pictures on the wrap around, they’re walking.  It got so bad, I wanted to hitch hike to the bottom of the hill to Tramway where the run home would be flat.  I did it by myself.  At this point, I have about 7 miles left.
I begin heading down Tramway, still thinking about hitchhiking.
 It’s hot,
I have no charge left in my cell phone
 I am beginning to run out of water (only because I am going to be out an extra hour)
 I call a friend or two,
I call a cab company(on hold for a long time, no cell phone charge),
I call everyone I know.
 Everyone I know is up the mountain for the Crest Race.
 I go to the County Line and get a fill up on ice water, and realize that even if I did get a cab, it would be 45 minutes until the cab comes, so I may as well tough it out.
 The knee hurts, it hurts when I walk, it hurts when I run, it hurts, I look like a gimp, I have already put on my compression tights (I always carry those on long runs too; for warmth and in case my legs fall apart.
Somewhere in the midst of my desperation I got a text from my hubby.  We texted back and forth and I’m not sure how he managed from another state but he managed to send a Fastenal carriage to come get me, my night and shining armor.
The Fastenal carriage got me,
                                                       I was .25 miles from the house.
 I managed.
 With walking the dogs that day, I was good for 26 miles.
It was the worst day of my life.
It was harder than anything I have ever done.
It was the best training I could have asked for.
Because in Leadville there are no short cuts, or cabs, or Fastenal carriages.
I almost cried.