I love the rollers!
Today I did the ol' switch-a-roo. There's a TT on Saturday and I traded my 1 hour run for a bike ride, essential. Saturday marks my 2 week completion of the grueling 26.2 which is more than a marathon, it's a time equivalent to an ultra marathon. Remember back in November with the Wild Hare 50k in 5:56; that's 31 miles in an hour less than it took me to run 26.2. I have been very tired. Today marks the 3rd bike ride. Bike rides in synopsis: 1st ride: 15 miles average 13 mph 2nd
Hydration: Race Day: The day before drink enough water so your urine is the light yellow. It should be light enough to read a paper through. This is roughly 100 ounces for men and 72 ounces of water. This is true every day, not just the day prior to a big race. Pre Race: Drink 12-16 ounces of fluid 2 hours before your race. This gives your kidneys enough time for one last trip to the port-o-potties. If you exercise first thing in the morning drink at least 8 ounces 15 minutes before you
Moving Forward from Here
I have been busy with Charger Aquatics Masters. I am surrounded by 60-70 year old medal winners. I am not sure why Coach Christine chooses to torture me. Friday I had to do 8 x 50 1 arm free; breath on the opposite side. Today she made me do 3 arm/7 kick switch free drill with a snorkel. She is so mean. Today I found out we are swimming meters. I thought it was yards. So I swam a 2000 meter. 200 swim 200 kick 200 pull 8 x 50 3 x 7 switch. 8 x 100 on 2:00 (number
My quads are still screaming; Leadville Aftermath
7.5.2011 And for the first 2 days I was too, Every time I had to sit down, stand up, or walk up or down a hill or stairs
Final Workout in Preparation for Leadville Trail 26.2
I journeyed up to Sandia Peak, 10,600 feet and small change. My idea was to hit the trail, run down with the dogs for a warm up and then take them back to the car to rest and then, go run down 2 miles and back up 2 miles. The Forest Ranger had a different plan for me. I've known for 2 weeks the National Forest is closed until October OR ABQ gets rain. I also knew that Sandia Look out was open. I thought that meant; the trails at the top
Today I worked on:
My nose to the bottom of the pool, and my tick tock 6:00 on my right arm. Apparently there is too much sulfur in my garlic mashed, I'm really itchy.
Drills Run Workout
Drills Run for the week: Running Pose: Feet hip with apart standing on Toe Boxes slow count to 10, until your legs start to shake. Rest, do this 3 times. Pony: Go back into running pose, bring one heel down, near the ground, and back up switch legs. Repeat 10 times each side. Rest. And repeat 2 more times on each side. From a standing position bring one leg so hip is in 20 degrees of hip extension and on that toe box. Bend leg through knee curl (hamstring curl). Repeat 10 times, switch legs. Do a total
The Week in Review
Number 1: I need to stop drinking so much coffee. This never happened in Bartonville, at least near the end. It's almost 11 and I am still cranking. For those of you who know me, really know me, you know this is nearly impossible. The last 2 days I haven't needed my afternoon cup of joe, habits are hard to break, I've had it anyways. I am such a 'rule breaker'. It's going to hurt me unless, I just say, "adios" or switch to green tea or decaf. Coffee is 2 things to