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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I love the rollers!

Today I did the ol’ switch-a-roo.

There’s a TT on Saturday and I traded my 1 hour run for a bike ride, essential.

Saturday marks my 2 week completion of the grueling 26.2 which is more than a marathon, it’s a time equivalent to an ultra marathon.  Remember back in November with the Wild Hare 50k in 5:56; that’s 31 miles in an hour less than it took me to run 26.2.

I have been very tired.  Today marks the 3rd bike ride.  Bike rides in synopsis:

1st ride: 15 miles average 13 mph

2nd ride: 15 miles average 12. something mph.

Yea, totally suck!  Yea, there’s some long sustained gradual climbs, but still geez, I was tired.  I was going 26 mph my last ride, down hill…

and well…


That’s when I knew I had some rides that needed to be done on the rollers.

I totally love the rollers!

Yeah, it’s hard, yeah, I almost flew off on several occasions.  Rollers are harder than road.  Rollers can be harder than off road.

By the end of it, it was like I was driving I-635 during rush hour traffic, white knuckle highway.

Every interval I was cruising easily at 25-26 mph.  My last set, more like a sustained 24 mph.

I was debating my TT wheel, and it’s a good thing I choose to ride it, cause I was riding the biggest gears.

So, maybe I won’t embarrass my teammates on Saturday,

maybe I won’t embarrass our sponsors.

I’m not race ready, but I am ready to race.

Hope you’re all having a great day.

The other great thing about rollers, which I send all my Texas athletes and friends some love, is Air Conditioning!!

-I don’t think it’s fair to mention that every morning in New Mexico is like a spring morning…Brr! 🙂