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We need to just suck it up and do it! Like today: 3rd consecutive day of imperfect sleep. Difficult and somewhat stressful morning getting ready; finally saying, "if you're not in the car by 7:40 you'll have to find another way to get to school" I HAD to take a shower before taking the girls to school.  If I HAVE to take a shower BEFORE a bike ride, you know it's bad, really bad! I have been "bleeding spontaneously" from several lesions that I have acquired on my skin my hair was falling out by

Yeah, I wanted to race this weekend: Saturday was the Sandia Mountain Bike Race. Sunday was the Cochiti Triathlon. I would have liked to do both. I told my friend if I didn't do that Triathlon, I may be able to pull off the Mountain Bike race. Thursday Kimmie and I went to Cochiti we swam and then did 1 lap of the bike loop.  My average 15 mph, but intensity felt like 20 mph.  Then, I was catapolted and took the next day off. I wanted to do it so bad, but with my eyes on

I reached all of my goals: 1 finish: 13:04 (I had a secret goal of doing less than 15 minute miles: just short of that: 15:41, I am very pleased!) 2 Get to the half way point before the monsoon did 3 Had fun Once again, the Mountains of Leadville were very kind to me. Thank You Mountain Momma! Today is the 1 week anniversary and I still have all my toe nails! This was the most awesome experience ever. Other than the actual race in Leadville, the Adventures that lead me to a successful race are what I

Finally. Yesterday I was scared, scared more than I have ever been going into a race. I have a lot of 12 hours under my belt.  Just not a 12 hour run. And with Dawn to Dusk being cancelled 2.5 hours into it, not the base I wanted. I have been so sick and tired, literally this week, that in reality, I should have felt like I do today, on Tuesday.  Now that's scary. Now I am ready: Espresso Made Banana Muffins Made Ground Turkey Made Date, Coconut, Cashew Rolls Made Magic Potion Made Energy Level: Argh

2 x 6 hours Magic Potion 6-8 homemade coconut date rolls 2 x double shot espresso, each with 5 tsp of raw organic sugar 2 x 4 0unces sauteed in olive oil  boneless skinless chicken thigh 1 package of Clif Block Black Cherry 1 baked good (home made GF banana muffin or brownie; will have available 2. Lara Bars Will enjoy a coke or pepsi on the course As well as plenty of fresh fruit.   At half way point in drop bag: 1 double shot of espresso, 4 ounces of chicken, 1 x 6 hour bottle of magic potion, 1 Odwalla Strawberry C

And sometimes, Pre Race pnuemonia is actually: a double eye infection, conjunctivitis that is viral, guessing, that since it's been 5+ days on the meds and it's only partially better. Compounded with Celiac's, and a high altitude run to boot. So the last week has been rough to say the least. The eye thing started about 90% of the way through the Crest Trail run, which was awesome! Post run for 2 days, it felt like I had sand in my eyes, and then, by Friday morning, I knew, I had something going on.  Especially since, well,

It was 53 when I started; 57 when I finished. Degrees that is, and it felt butt a$$ cold.  I didn't want to complain for 2 reasons: 1) it's going to be between 43 and 48 at Leadville Start and 2) it's been so damn hot. Iker's Scared. Scared of the length of the blog post; having 2 last training adventures to blog about. Yesterday was it: The last day. A day that was going to be about 2 miles bigger than I wanted it to be.  I needed to get up to 12,000 feet.  The

Do NSAID's; non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, Inhibit healing?  Was the question asked: The influence of anti-inflammatory medication on exercise-induced myogenic precursor cell responses in humans: Pain in the body is  an indication that there's swelling around or impingement of a nerve .  Pain is  more likely to be caused by  inflammation and it's a red flag response that tells us that something is  wrong in our bodies. The best idea is to always  listen to it. As a whole, before deciding to take a pill, we should try at least 3 different