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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Pre Race Pneumonia/Crest Trail/ and Goals for Leadville 50 Mile Run

And sometimes, Pre Race pnuemonia is actually:

a double eye infection,

conjunctivitis that is viral, guessing, that since it’s been 5+ days on the meds and it’s only partially better.

Compounded with Celiac’s,

and a high altitude run to boot.

So the last week has been rough to say the least.

The eye thing started about 90% of the way through the Crest Trail run, which was awesome!

Post run for 2 days, it felt like I had sand in my eyes, and then, by Friday morning, I knew, I had something going on.  Especially since, well, it wasn’t windy or sandy where I was running.

But the Vistas, they were awesome.

July 3rd I went up to 10,600 feet for what I thought would be close to 16 mile run.  I have never been up there, didn’t really know what to expect.  I got a headache right away, but ran through it, and the trail, as your heading south descends about 1000 feet, it  was a techincal trail.  More so than I thought it would be.

This is one of those things, that I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to do, and probably wouldn’t have unless I was signed up for the 50 miler in Leadville.


This is the initial view on the trail.  I drove up to the Crest House and started my adventure from there.

I think, I am going somewhere over there yonder.  I know that the trail is 8 miles in length.  Really, I have no idea but it sounds fun!

I get to the ski area and Tram within 20 minutes.  It was cool, I was here 2 times, once about 3 weeks ago on the bike, and once about 2 weeks ago, when I ran.  Both were good experiences.  But super cool, I am here again!

When I see these markers, I know I am on the right road.  I’m glad, because there were several unmarked trails, and I was just doing my best to navigate, although, I had a time I wanted to run today, so I was prepared for anything my adventure brought: wrong turn, bear, cougar, little ol’ men sneaking up on me at Pino Trail Head; his shoe rubbed on the rock and I thought it was a hissing cougar, I didn’t know there was a more techincal ascent around the top of Pino.  That sneaky guy!

Here’s Pino: I’m 1:20 into it, the trail  has been much slower than I thought, I think, I descended about 1000 feet.  It’s time to turn around and get back home to my responsibilities, but it has been real, but this is the trip, I knew, I had to go 12,000 feet before Leadville.

I’m not sure how I missed it on the way out.  The Kiwanis Cabin.  It was build in the 1930’s.  The girls and I first hiked there when we laid Rico to rest.  I have never seen it from this angle.  And when you first look, you can’t even see it, not until I put the telescopic lens to work.  Some cool stuff.









My Goals for Leadville are simple:


Take Pictures/Have Fun

and as always my main goal:

To not Shat myself.