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News and Tips And, of course, I rode with my new best friend, my filter. It was an awesome ride.  I got in 1.5 hours on the rollers. My youngest monkey was fast enough to get me a podium finish at the 5k.  3rd place, that is awesome.  She liked the fact that she was fast enough for a podium old lady finish.  She got 4th. We still don't know if that guy yesterday made it.  I keep looking. I had a PR this week: 10k/Bear Creek Parkway in 51:49.  8:29 per mile.  Not where I want

I wish I could say: I'm in the top 1% of athletes. I'm in the top 1% of academic all stars. Or, I'm in the top 1% of  anything EXCEPT what I am the top 1% of. It's been a long time since I blogged, it took me a long time to come up with a title that was appropriate.  Until last night the only one I could think of was: "It sucks to be in the 1%." It all began in 1995, I was sick all the time.  It was a time when I was

Workout for the Week: Swim by yours Truly 2600 yards/meters 600 Warm Up 300 swim 200 pull 100 kick 1000 Drills with Fins and Snorkel 100 straight arm swim 100 fingertips to 6:00 R/ swim/L swim 1 x 200 fingertip drag by 25's alternate w/swim 2 x 100 tap head by 25's R/L alternate w/swim 1 x 100 6 kick stroke 1 x 100 4 kick stroke 1 x 100 2 kick stroke 500 pull Alternating by 100's full paddle/fist 300 swim w/fins and snorkel 200 swim choice cool down Workout for the Week: Swim by yours Truly 2600 yards/meters 600 Warm Up    300 swim    200 pull    100 kick 1000 Drills

I am a minimalist, I can't stand stuff. When we moved into this house I told Ken, "If all of these cupboards end up getting filled, shoot me." Now almost all of my cupboards are empty and I still have too much crap.  I hate crap. LESS is more. So I ended up letting go of a bunch of crap on Sunday.  Two huge loads to the curb: TV's, wheels, bikes, VHS movies, tons of crap, I was done by 1 PM.  Before I went inside someone came by and picked up some of my

Spring Break Rocks! This morning I ran to the park and did 3 laps, it was over 3 miles, and my record is 28:00.  I don't know the exact distance.  I have a time that I can compare to each time I run. Yesterday, I rode my SS up the mountain.  That was interesting.  It was a learning experience.  I did learn a lot.  I went from the house to Glenwood Hills.  How to ride SS up a steep long grade: power/strength/power/strength

Race Day  Check List: For Triathlons: -at least 2 pair of goggles, I have actually used my 3rd pair. -swim suit or tri suit -swim cap - wet suit if needed. ---other cold weather triathlon gear: neoprene head cover, feet booties, extra swim cap -running shoes -transition towel -sunglasses -run cap/visor -body glide __ Bike ___ BIKE TOOLS ___ Bike lock ___ CHAIN LUBE (Wet lube and dry) ___ Shock Pump ___ Tire Pump Race Kit ___ spare tubes ___ tire levers ___ mini-pump ___ CO2 ___ energy gel ___ mini-tool ___ patch kit Spare Parts ___ Brake Pads (Always take a set of severe weather pads) ___Deraileur Hangers ___Deraileurs (Front and Rear) ___ Tires ___ Wheels ___ Skewers ___ Seat Post ___ Cables/Housing ___