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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach


Just got done with sprints.  That was totally awesome.  My first official workout with intensity post jaw break.  Going to swim later, let’s see the workout:  I’m going to try to do the full 3k.  Ouch!  I will stop at 2.5 if I have to.  I only got in 2k the other day, so that will be well, an increase that I generally wouldn’t recommend my athletes to do.  I’m going to give it my all and see what I have.  So a minimum 2.5, which is my largest swim ever post jaw break to 3k which would be a 500 more than my last swim.  The 3k would be easy, except it’s been a couple of weeks since I did 2.5.

Last night rode L.B. Houston while the monkeys were at swimming.  That was cool.  Got back to the pool and it started to rain.  Perfect timing.  Took 3-5 minutes off my lap.  It’s going to be hard for me to get faster on that course, Texas Trees.

Wednesday swam a 2k.  Lame, but ran out of time, swimming was over.  I was kinda sad because the workout was more than 3k.  That would have been awesome.  Gotta remember my new PR in distance is 4k, the week before I broke my jaw.  I feel like I have a long way to go.

Life is good.  I have been feeling ‘weird’ lately.  What do I mean by weird? Well, the last couple of wells they have drilled near us I have been having unusual headaches.  I don’t ever get headaches.  Maybe one every three years or so, usually dehydration.  But it’s not like a headache as it is a heavy feeling by my left ear.  Yesterday, not being in Argyle Bartonville area all day, it went away, then , upon returning home, the headache returned.  Today after riding, I feel it behind my ear, in the center of my brain, and in my neck.

I also, have this weird neural spasm feeling on the surface of my skin.  It’s totally weird, it’s been going on since they started the last two drills too.  It’s in a formation of a ‘snowflake’  it’s it’s a burning nerve feeling, kinda like a twitch.  It happens in sequence.  Meaning, it may be on my leg and then go to my arm, and then the other leg, and maybe my torso.  I will feel it 5-6 times and then it will go away for a while.  It’s weird because my headaches and this neural feeling are usually  in the morning and the evening.  I don’t know if this is because it’s when I’m at home, generally I am in Southlake and Irving, two places they don’t drill, for the most part.  Or it it coincides to the release of the heavy VOC’s that the industry releases between 5-8 AM and 6 -9 PM.  I’ve heard they do this because the TCEQ is closed.  I have smelled strong odors of natural gas when I am out walking with my mutts in the morning and I am almost 2 miles away from the drills.

I don’t like that I have to spend my time on making sure all of us our safe.  I don’t like how the natural gas industry is wasting my precious time.  I am grateful that I am doing it to do the best to protect the life of myself and my children and you.  I don’t like that I use time in my blog to discuss it, I will continue to until the industry has to oblige by the regulation of the clean air and clean water act, as well as the super fund law.

But folks, it simple, and if you’re rolling your eyes, this next point should really hit home to you.  Let me spell it out so that when you’re reading my blog you understand more of what I am talking about, and don’t hold it against me.

I will own some things, and here they are:

1.  I am a tree hugger

2.  I do NOT believe in drilling PERIOD.

3.  I do NOT believe we should be using fossil fuels.

for plastics, cleaning solutions, or skin moisturizers

4.  I believe we should solely use wind and sun for power.

5. I do NOT agree with any type of motorized sport that uses fossil fuels.  I believe we should be riding our bikes and paddling our boats.

So that may have really made some of you mad and I’m not really sorry, because it’s only my opinion.  However, I hope you can overlook that for the person I truly am.

A well educated, open minded, tree hugger dirt worshiper.

That being said my personal agenda, is not to stop the drilling, I can’t but to make it safe for our drinking water and the air we breath.

Now on to my next point, and this is the most important point of them all.  If you’re one of the ones that still believes industry is telling us the truth that natural gas drilling with hydraulic fracturing is safe, let me simply explain it to you, so that even the most simple minded folk can understand. ( I am in no means labeling you as such).

The O and G Industry is LYING.

How do I know the oil and gas industry is lying?

– this is the simple part

They passed a law in 2005, that contains a passage known as the Halliburton Loop Hole, that makes the hydraulic fracturing EXEMPT from the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

OK, I am no rocket scientist, albeit, I just tooted my horn about being well educated.  This means that they KNEW that it was DANGEROUS to our water and our air.  That it was toxic enough and would leak into our water aquifers so they needed to be EXEMPT.

Do you see my point?

I told you it was simple.

So that’s not enough proof?  Let me give you some examples.  Rex Tillerman, my neighbor, I won’t say good neighbor anymore, his company EXXON bought XTO and as part of that contract his company EXXON said that if the industry is held accountable to the Clean/Air Act that the contract would be null.

Is that not enough proof?

Let me give you some more:  The RRC told me, I would have to trespass and test the white powdery stuff on an XTO frac pond myself.  This is on 2) either Rex’s land or Dick Army’s land.  These are the guys who are supposed to keep us safe and they are telling me I am going to have to pay for independent environmental testing.

My friend has dropped quite a handful of thousands on independent testing herself.  She lives .5 miles from me.  You know what they found?





This is one of my best friends.  They’re lucky, they can afford the testing…but what about the thousands of people who can’t??

I had mystery water in my yard 2 weeks ago.  It was my neighbors well water.  I haven’t broken the news to them but you know what that water looked like?  It had a reddish hue to it and some little bubbles that looked like methane bubbles.

So let me tell you the truth about Natural Gas Drilling.  They are going to drill at a rate so fast that mistakes are going to be made.  That they do NOT care at ALL about collateral damage, YOUR water or your air.  They are going to do it as a pace as to beat the EPA and the FRAC act, so they don’t have to be accountable for our drinking water.

The gas companies are big FAT LIARS!

Cows are beginning to die from it, from drinking the water and eating the grass that are around these wells.  This is our food folks.  I eat organic beef, so I’m really hoping I’m exempt from eating all those cute little cows you see eating the grass by all the wells in this area.  (BTW, the cows at a recently fracked well in Flower Mound near Shiloh Road and 1171 have methane poisoning, they are red, and they are losing weight at a crazy unnatural pace.  I’ve been watching them over the last month.  They’re getting worse not better.)  Next time you eat beef, I want to ask yourself:  where did this come from?  If you can’t answer that, you may want to refrain from digesting it.  There’s a pretty good chance this cow was near the toxic run off of the natural gas drilling.

The donkey over at the Holt’s Place, you know, our Argyle Town Council man, who is so happy to put a CCF on unicorporated Denton County so he doesn’t have to have a compressor or hydraulic fracturing waste on his property.  Last time I drove by his ranch his donkey was losing his hair.

Is that proof enough?  Oh remember how they want to  put 36 wells by the intermediate school.

So now hopefully you’re beginning to believe me.

There’s some other stuff I find incredibly interesting about the whole Oil and Gas Industry.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about cardinal sins. For Balanchine, Brecht and Weill’s 1933 ballet, see The Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, is a classification of the most objectionable vices that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning (immoral) fallen humanity’s tendency to sin. The final version of the list consists of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.


That’s what this is all about.  It’s not about utilizing the energy sources of America, it’s not about the American people, because if it was OIL and GAS would be keeping our AIR and WATER clean(see what I mean).  It’s about the RICH getting RICHER…and as I was discussing with the Pennsylvania EPA, the poor are getting cancer; actually we’re all going to.  She was surprised what the annual income in Bartonville is.  It’s kinda weird that she asked actually.  But I’m happy to say that the Oil and Gas aren’t just picking on poor people, they’re killing rich people too.

Back to my point, GREED.  Is one of the 7 Cardinal Sins.

So MR/MRS  OIL and GAS, corrupted politician, CEO, TCEQ, RRC:  Are you CHRISTIAN?  Do you call yourself a CHRISTIAN?

So typical.

So unless, MR/MRS  OIL and GAS, corrupted politician, CEO, TCEQ, RRC: you want to go to hell in a hand basket, I would suggest you dig into your pockets a little bit and make your profit a little smaller, by capturing the VOC vapors off the tanks, using already known technology to decrease emissions on drilling, and recycle the frac water.

Like I was saying, it’s that easy.

It was pretty funny, as I was on my bike ride, there are a lot of workers installing a pipeline around our area, they were playing by Mr Rex Tillerman/Dick Army’s frac pond (BTW, don’t you think these guys are rich enough, I can’t understand why enough isn’t just enough) I yelled, “hey you may not want to play in that white powdery residue, they are hydrocarbons, and they’ll give you cancer”.  They had no idea.  Sad, truly sad.