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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

My ride was so good I almost cried

Generally, lately it’s the other way around:

“my ride was so bad, Idid cry.”

I’m not sure if it was because I was in South Lake all day and then went straight to Isle de Bois, or if the teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate I took.

Whatever it was, I could breath again, and I felt strong.  Either way, more will have to come like that.

This morning I was doing some research about Steven Johnson Disease, which can be triggered by an allergy to sulfa(sulfur) based medicines.  I found that if you have low levels of sodium bicarbonate you can have a more fatal reaction.

Since I have been searching for a product: TriSalts, which main derivative is sodium bicarbonate, I thought, “what could  I lose” .  Sometimes when I do “little detox” things it backfires and I end up vomiting or lower lung function or migraine and confusion, dizziness, or any combination of the aforementioned.

Today, I felt as I should, I actually kinda felt like a rocks star out there.

I can say it is truly a blessing.

I’m lacking in the babysitter department so I will be unable to race the 6 hour on my SS, but I am committed to 3 laps at Northshore.  Here’s to hoping they are ‘rock star’ laps!

I ended up lowering my saddle a couple of millimeters, and adjusting the air in the shock.  I have been working on turning through the apex and leaning the bike with my body.  It has been very good to me.  The rollers have been very good to me, too.

I have a ton of work to do, it’s Friday.  I don’t work after 9:30 AM on Friday.

My Other Kind of Race is over, I throw in the white towel.  I surrender.  I finish it here, right now. And even though I gave it my all I lost.  But in some ways, in the long run, I will come out ahead and win.

The tortoise always wins.

As many of my internet readers and friends know, I have been sick beginning May 12th and something to do with the Gas Drilling has been making me sick.

A few weeks back, I was skin tested for sulfur and it elicited all the same symptoms I have when I am around Drilling/Fracing/Processing sites. I have developed a pretty severe reaction to sulfur.  I do everything I can to function on a daily basis, but at times it is totally debilitating.  I do longer run or bike from my house anymore, if I do it’s very rarely.

My main symptoms are decrease lung function: to blow test failure.

Lack of balance, which results in me stumbling all around my house and walking in to walls.

Lack of concentration


Weird cramping in mostly my legs, very deep by the bone, no ‘normal’ cramp.

Skin lesions/pocs/and dry skin areas

This is what I deal with now on a daily basis.

I have been begging the state, the feds, the Town, the water people, anyone and everyone I can ask: with little avail.

Well, some may say, oh it’s an allergy, take a benedryl.  Well, with sulfur it doesn’t work that way.  I wish it were that easy.  It can get bad enough that I can no longer survive.

I keep positive and keep my motivation, and peace as I have been handling all that has been given me.

Countless hours in research, Town Council Meetings, Blog entries and reading, for additional research and education, of myself and others.

In someways I am blessed because other than Hydrogen Sufide the other 2 sulfur compounds in the air with Natural Gas Exploration are neurotoxins: carbon disulphide and trimethyl disulphide.  Don’t worry though, the EPA doesn’t even know why they would be using them.  But Zoe with ZoeFitness does.  They use them for lubrication, they are pesticides, and they also use them for removing the sulfur from the gas.

And thanks to the Natural Gas Exploration in North Texas, the water is contaminated too.  Not with just 2-BE but with Arsenic, Strontium, Manganese and some other minerals that are only released from drilling deep within the geological formations where gas is located.  The biggest kicker is the sulfate concentration of the water now is 200 mg/L, or is it 180?  Really apples and oranges.  Also, the chloride concentrations seem rather high too.  Hmm, Gas?!?

Hell yes.

So why do I finally surrender and close the Other Kind of Race here:

You need to promise me that YOU DO EVERYTHING to STOP GAS DRILLING.

To stop gas drilling near you, I can tell you it’s not good.  Not just for the environment but for your health.  Many more people in my community are sick:  They are getting cancer, having their female organs removed, rare brain tumors, rare kidney cancers, not just one person, but multiple people.

You need to do everything to STOP GAS DRILLING EVERYWHERE.

No one knows the long term effects.  But I have been a 6 year case study, and I can tell you from my families’ and mine experiences that it’s not going in the right direction.

In a couple of years when there is regulation, and it’s SAFE, maybe we can begin the process again.  Remember, the gas isn’t going anywhere, but I am.

I have too.

Unless, there is a miracle.  The  miracle that I have been praying for everyday for almost a year now.  Little miracles have been given to me, but when you’re told the Town would rather get sued by the people than the industry, that should tell you something.

So one, or maybe 50 or 1000 people aren’t worth it, they would rather get sued by the industry.  That should explain everything you need to know about industry.

They are on crack and the bad kind, GREED.

So Please, Please, Help Me, and make sure you help yourself and your neighbors too.

You really, really have no idea, how big this is.  Maybe some of you do.  But if this is the first time you’re hearing the truth from a family in the Gas Patch, take my words to heart, Please tell everyone you know, to stop Gas Drilling, to help me, and to help other Americans.  We need our health more than we need money.

My word is not propaganda, my words are not lies.  I tell the truth.

My health has been permanently effected by the EMISSIONS from Natural Gas Extraction in America.  In Texas.

To think, Rick Perry, is trying to sue the EPA.  Ridiculous.  The EPA is the only hope I have for staying in my home.

Think about the other millions of Americans health it’s protecting.

I’m gonna tell you something Rick.  You better not be using my Tax Dollar to kill me through killing the EPA.  I did not approve that.

So back to 100% focus to Everything that is important to me: my health, my family, my coaching, my research and my passions: running, biking and swimming, as well as weight training.