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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Leadville 50 Mile Run Peak: They Say the 50 Mile Run is Easier than the Marathon


One way is to do a 50k as part of the training.  That is what I thought would be the best way for me to peel the banana going into it, but what I learned, and have known for some time, training and building is solely dependent on how your body adapts to the stimulus.

That’s why having a coach, someone who is knowledgeable and can tweak your text book example, is imperative and truly balancing training for optimal performance.  Blocks of training can be equally effective for reaching long peaks.

On my 24 mile run my body broke down, I was miles from home, and had no cell phone charge.  Great Training for dealing with ‘distractions’ that come up in ultra running.  My body broke down for many reasons, but one thing was certain, I was not able to continue with  large chunks duration, i.e 50k.  I had to decide, if I was going to tear my body down, to the point that I may not return to compete  , or change the way I was going to peel the  banana.

It was that run that had me go with Plan B.  Block Training.

Wednesday 30 minute super fast 4.5 miles: 32 minutes and a nice 45 minute swim

Thursday:  Off smoke bad.

Friday: 45-60 minute with 5 x Hill Repeats (with Dogs)

Saturday: 10 mile TEMPO run.

Sunday: 18 miles OFF Road Run

Monday 10 miles: Pino Canyon Climb 2500 feet elevation gain topping out at 9200 feet. 1:19 = 11 minutes off the last time.

I’m really tired today.

Was really tired yesterday.

Was really tired on Saturday.

Happy to see my pee isn’t brown, scary.

I’ve been running through the map and the topo map.

I know why some people say that the 50 mile run is easier than the marathon.:

Marathon 2000 feet in 4 miles

50 miler 2200 feet in 10 miles

The 50 miler is more rolling than the Marathon.  If Leadville can be considered ‘rolling’.

Basically in 50 miles we cover only 1000 more feet in elevation than th 26.2.

Which it doesn’t look like the Marathon will include Misquito Pass because of fires.

In the Marathon you go to 13,200 and the 50 miler peaks out at  12,000 feet.

I’m working on my nutrition plan and how and what I am going to carry.  I’m glad to see that there’s a drop bag for the 25 mile spot.  I’ve figured I will do between 10 and 12 hours, and of course, up to 14.

I imagine that miles 30 to 40 will feel like today.  At least, I hope.

Otherwise, hip, hip, hooray, TAPER!