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That what some guy told me when he passed me. I had a great time at DORBA 6 hour.  I felt really good, it was a bit chilly, I was dressed perfectly.  I somehow managed to be relaxed, my timing was on, my field of vision was on.  The morning of, I had to reseed my tire and add Stan's.  That always makes me a little nervous.  When you're dealing with what I'm dealing with, it's hard to be scared of anything. I felt so great showing up, getting registered, seeing everyone.

Tap Your Head Drill It lets you know where your head is for posture in the water. It gives you and indication of where your hand is to prevent over reaching (reaching in front of the head) It promotes rotation. How to do it: While swimming freestyle, stop in mid-recovery and lightly touch the crown of your head, then slip the hand into the water in front of the shoulder in a kind of catch-up fashion, and then the other hand pulls through and repeats the motion. This is a Sloooowww drill. Your hands should never

3-5 Switch This is another drill we are fond of right now for free. Reasons we like: Promotes rotation Promotes proper position and rhythm when breathing Promotes a strong kick How to do it: In a freestyle position, kick with one arm out and one at the side for five kicks, then take three strokes freestyle and repeat on the other side. The key points are to be at an angle to the water when kicking (> 45 degrees) and to look toward the bottom of the pool more, and remembering to breath out when kicking and

I have put some racing miles on the Ikons that I got about a month ago, and really like them. The grip on climbs is great, and cornering is superb. I did not except the cornering grip to be this great, as it is a low knob tire. In the rain and wet it sheds mub very well with out packing up. I did have to lower the tire pressure to get them to grip better. I started out running them @ 1.9 bar, and had to lower them to

When you're not subjected to heavily contaminated air. Espresso, who needs that?  At home, I need to have huge cups of coffee, all the time, that doesn't even help.  Here I have half of one and I am bouncing off the walls. Don't you think it's ironic, that I breath better at altitude then I do at home?  That's well, a little bit, bass ackwards.  Think about it.  I breath better at altitude.  It's been that way for years.  Now that my sulfur allergy is full blown, it's even more so.  But

That's an old mantra of mine. So if you don't totally lose control of your bike at some point during your hard ride, then, you just aren't pushing your limits.  You're holding back. So yesterday, I was there, almost there.  I can feel it in my blood, surging, pushing through my arteries from my heart to my brain. I want to ride my bike hard enough that I lose control.  That I am pushing my limits hard enough, that I slide out of a turn, hit my shoulder on a tree, or just