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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Sorry to say girls, “Real Girls ride Single Speeds”.

That what some guy told me when he passed me.

I had a great time at DORBA 6 hour.  I felt really good, it was a bit chilly, I was dressed perfectly.  I somehow managed to be relaxed, my timing was on, my field of vision was on.  The morning of, I had to reseed my tire and add Stan’s.  That always makes me a little nervous.  When you’re dealing with what I’m dealing with, it’s hard to be scared of anything.

I felt so great showing up, getting registered, seeing everyone.  It was especially fun seeing Rich Szeschy.  We start  his program again next month.  He is a great athlete and an awesome client.  Luke, always helpful, and happy to lend a hand, Gina, all hands on deck with registration.  Karen, we are still amazed about our party barge last October on our relay swim across Lake Travis, Connie, Kim, Bonnie, Steven, Inna, Kathy…Bobby.

We took off on our run, I probably should have been up front for that, I hung out in the back since I was on SS.

My 5th lap about half way through the wind changed direction and the sulfur was killing me, well, making me feel like I couldn’t go on, that I was going to need oxygen therapy.  My legs looked way worse then this:

More red and less white sections.  Pretty, huh?

I wanted to take a picture of my legs during the race, I would have at Solavaca, not here, I was too close to racing I didn’t want to take the time.

This is what happens when I detox, or the sulfur is let out of my system and into my blood stream.

I have been doing dry sauna detoxes, today, I looked gawd awful.  The worse ever.  I’m guessing because I had such a large exposure yesterday at a high ventilatory rate.  I even, at one point during my 5th lap smelled H2S (hydrogen sulfide) .  At the turn around towards transition I started to feel better, came into transition, wondered if I could tough out another lap, went out, got a couple of hundred yards, smelled it, felt it, and turned around.  Nothing, nothing, is worth risking my life over.  I mean, I love riding my bike, if I had to die early, going while on the bike would be a good way, but hey, I’m not even as old as the fastest girl I know yet.  I’m done.  I have a long way to go before I am even close to keeping up with her.


It was an expensive day in the saddle.  Thank you Scott Maness and Primose Academy for offering one of your teachers for me.  I had a great time, and really need it; 6 hours on Singlespeed, almost 60 miles.

I think, I won, I’m not sure.  At one point, I was told, I had a podium against all the girls.  I am checking, checking, checking the results.  Not, yet.

Today was a crazy day.  The male sparrow was diving into the window.  I went outside to scare him, and nummy the smell of herbicides, I’m educated guessing, dimethyl disulphide.  I came inside, and coughed for over 20 minutes.

I went out to work in the yard and it smelled like melting plastic.  that would be that would be the polymers, that are used during fracking.

Did ya’ll know I was so damn smart?

I can train you so you’re pain free and have increase in Daily Activities of Living,  I can take your athletic performance to a new level, I can train you to qualify for World Championship  races.  If you have the talent, I have the know-how.

Now I can explain to you every aspect of the drilling/fracing/processing of Natural Gas, the endocrine disruptors that are used, and the symptoms of each chemical used and released into the air and the water.  And I am sure all of my internet readers are so excited about that.

I think, my next race is XTERRA Waco.  I want to be fast, I want to ride the course before hand.  It’s time I dedicate some of my multi-sport training to a race.  After all I missed my entire season last year.  I have some major negotiating to do to make that fly.  You know I am going to give it my best to do it.  XTERRA is my favorite event, it combines multi sport with mountain biking, how can you go wrong with that much fun?

This week, I start timing my 10k.  I wish I could run 6 miles with a 6:30 pace.  I guess, I will just have to get faster.  I do love, and well,have kind of missed my Bear Creek Parkway Tempo Runs.

There are some great swim tips, check out my  blog, or forum for those.
