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News and Tips

Kathy Hudson won the Gold Medal in Spain at the inaugural ITU cross triathlon.  What a rock star!  She is such an amazing woman: Strong, Smart, Fast, World Champion. Lots of people complain about getting older.. When the entire world can be served to you on a silver platter, if you choose, how can you choose to sit idle? Kathy, first overall in her age group: 45-49, had the fastest amateur time of 40+.  I haven't seen the young chickens times, but I'm pretty sure she may have actually pulled off the fastest

Was a true butt kicker. I spent the weekend a way from the Gas Patch so that my lungs were free of sulfur and that I would be able to perform at the highest level possible. My goal: to qualify for the Xterra Championship and to have FUN!! I love XTERRA, it's the best ever race in the whole wide world.  Why do I love XTERRA so much? I love to swim, I love to mountain bike and I was born to run. I stayed near the Starbuck's in Bellmead.  Woke up at 5 am,

Did my mile in under 25 minutes and it was a slow, comfortable pace.  In case my counting was off I did another 50, it was still a PR.  It was a 50 meter pool which makes it faster, especially when I only missed the wall on 2 turns. Thanks Coach Tom, of Irving Master's/Irving Swimmers, finally. Had a great bike/run/bike/run workout.  Had a great run workout.  All in all had a good taper.  I didn't get the intensity I would have liked because, I really only had a week taper.  Had

I had a tough time deciding: do I go down on Sunday, today and pre ride Waco. Or do I go down on Wednesday to Pre Ride? I was asking for everyone's advice; my oldest monkey gave me the best: "Mom, go down today, you'll be all busy come Wednesday and it's in the middle of the week". I knew she was right.  From getting the bike ready to race, to getting food prepped to taking everyone down to the Galleria on Friday to celebrate her birthday.  I like being busy, I don't like being

Bikers/Runners: In Texas, it's snake season. In the spring and fall is the time we see them the most.  The cooler mornings have them out sunning on the trail and road. Last week I saw a dead rattler on a road ride. Coral Snake seen on the Greenbelt in Austin. Friday 2 inch venomous snake tooth taken out of mountain bike tire at Isle De Bois. 4 foot Copper Head seen yesterday at Northshore near Dallas. Be aware. I prefer never to get close enough to a snake to be able to tell: is that a triangular head