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News and Tips

5 am was HARD! I took the youngest monkey to school. Got to the Post Office and Tweeted: "Sometimes coffee just isn't enough" The Post Office line that took almost an hour. Then, I took the oldest monkey up to Sandia, 45 in the parking lot.  Snow was still nice!  Great Day Alpine Skiing!  She shredded, I couldn't lift my legs between the 6 mile run in my Toe Shoes (remember: Muscle Memory does not work for Toe Shoes) and being more than half way to the "Exercise Guaranteed to Improve Your Running" Check in tomorrow,

I thought I wanted to do a 'year in review', until I began reading my blogs from last year: This is from: January 2011: " I fell to the ground twice on my morning walk in tears because I was so dizzy, and nauseated, and my brain had burn.  That’s pretty normal for around these parts, for me anymore.  My lung capacity was awful." February 2011 "As many of my internet readers and friends know, I have been sick beginning May 12th and something to do with the Gas Drilling has been making me sick. A

Warm Up: Jump rope 60 seconds: if NO jump rope 10 x 8-10 seconds stationary bike sprints/recumbent 1 legged leg press x 20 1 legged hamstring curl 1 legged quad extension Repeat 3 x Step Ups: 1 foot step: holding 10 pound dumbbells. Lateral Step Ups: straddle step and step up, and back down. Step Ups: Leaving leg on step, opposite leg in hip extension with toe box on ground; comes up into hip flexion: Repast to opposite side. Do with 5 pound dumbbells and add opposite arm punch across body adding rotation (with opposite leg in hip flexion) Repeat

The past year or so, I've been testing the theory of muscle memory. We know it exists, I don't think, we have a clear understanding of the pure theory of muscle memory. I'm like a petri dish in a chemical laboratory; testing hypothesis after hypothesis to better understand the human body, and how the body works in relation to the mind and  nutrition. I have been painting on and off for 6 weeks, same project.  I have had contractors at the house, the holidays, the bike rides, Palo Duro Canyon, the girls home

Power Workout #3 Zoefitness, LLC  Warm Up: 12 inch box Step Ups with 5 to 10 pounds dumbbells.  As you step up bring the weights up over head.   Box Jumps: 12 inch Land with knees bent and then, stand up.  Step down alternating legs.  20 total, step down leading with each leg 10 times. Using towel, under 1 foot: standing square slide towel to the front, then back, to the side and back, then to the rear.  Repeat this 10 times to each direction.  Switch legs. Lunge with 10 pound dumbbells.  From lunge position go into