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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Power Workout # 3


Workout #3

Zoefitness, LLC

 Warm Up: 12 inch box Step Ups with 5 to 10 pounds dumbbells.  As you step up bring the weights up over head.


Box Jumps: 12 inch Land with knees bent and then, stand up.  Step down alternating legs.  20 total, step down leading with each leg 10 times.

Using towel, under 1 foot: standing square slide towel to the front, then back, to the side and back, then to the rear.  Repeat this 10 times to each direction.  Switch legs.

Lunge with 10 pound dumbbells.  From lunge position go into ‘cosmic dancer’.  That would be bringing leg up behind you so the leg is even with glutes in a hip extended position while simultaneously bringing weights towards floor.  Repeat 10 times and then, switch side.  Please make sure that hips are level, and that trunk does not go into rotation.

Super set 3 times


Squat jumps with 10 pound dumbbell or medicine ball.  Same as Workout #2 except this week, you’re holding weight on floor and as you jump you lift ball/weight up over head and then, back down to floor.  Repeat 10 times.

12 inch Lateral Step Up.  Jump up and jump back down.

Lunge with Hip Flexion and opposite arm punch with 5 pounds.  Cross body getting rotation with leg in hip flexion.  Back town into lunge.  Do 10 times and repeat on opposite side.

Super Set 3 times.


Holding 15 pound dumbbell in one arm, lunge right leg 10 times, switch legs.  Then, switch arms and do both legs.  10 reps to leg and each side.

Sitting on Physioball with medicine ball, keep knees even, I would recommend holding a foam roller between your legs and working hip adduction, rotate to one side, and throw ball on ground, pause in center and repeat to opposite side.  10 reps to each side.

Lying on physioball, holding medicine ball or dumbbell, on chest, ball is secure under lower back; already in trunk flexion, lower body over over ball so spine is supported, and curl up to beginning position and then extend arms in front of you 10 degrees higher than shoulders.