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News and Tips

In this issue: I.       Advantages of a Coach Who Keeps Current Certifications II.     Weekend Re-cap and Nance Race Report III.   Beet Juice IV. Life Happens; it's how we deal with it that makes us True Champions.   I.  Your Coach May Not Hold a Current Certification: In recent weeks, it has come to my attention that several coaches have listed on their websites that they are USA Cycling Certified, and I am not able find them on the USA Cycling Find A Coach link.  This may or may not be a deal

It's a great and exciting weekend for Team Zoefitness and Zoefitness coached athletes. There's a lot  going on, all around the country. If you're at one of our events come by and say 'hello' we would love to see you. Kyle Martinez and Zoe Nance will be racing in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  The Adoption Exchange.  This will be an Omnium; the TT and the Crit are Saturday and the Road Race will be on Sunday, with the Nance kids Lemonade Stand.  This is a Zoefitness sponsored event.  I'm very proud to be a part

My 1st Road Race.  I'm a Rookie, I lost my number.  Today is Monday, and I just found it this morning. I am a Cat IV. I didn't know what to expect.  I know what my good friend had told me; "watch out for Rachel, she may break and TT the whole thing.  Watch out for Dot, she has been in some accidents" So that was my strategy. I put myself in a place where if Rachel took off, I could go.  I never let myself get boxed in and I stayed away from

2013 ZoeFitness 3-Day Mountain Bike Altitude Training Camp Albuquerque/Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico July 12th- July 14 th 2013 Registration Link: This camp is designed specifically to help you analyze and improve your performance on the Mountain Bike at Altitude.  This particular camp is periodized with  Leadville 100 Race Across the Sky Mountain Bike Race.  I will help you, through 1st hand examples, how to tap into your best performance at altitude starting with Day I, Friday, riding at a moderate altitude. In the afternoon, I will be presenting information  that will give you

I am so Excited About Everything! There’s so much going on right now, it’s tough to keep up with all of it!! First off, Zoë fitness Sponsorship Bottles are arriving at their destinations!  It’s because of your help and the help of our Sponsors that Zoë fitness is able to pay it forward, and provide sponsorship to local events.   This year, we are sponsoring: TMBRA/DORBA Prayer Mountain Peddle race in Dallas, Texas in May, TMBRA Marathon Mountain Biking Race in Palo Duro Canyon, Texas in November, The Adoption Exchange Classic in Albuquerque, New Mexico Terra Firma Dirty

  2013 ZoeFitness 2-Day Mountain Bike Altitude Training Camp Albuquerque/Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico June 15th- June 16th 2013 Registration Link: This camp is designed specifically to help you analyze and improve your performance on the Mountain Bike at Altitude.  This particular camp is periodized with  Leadville Silver Rush and Breckenridge 100 and 100k.  I will help you, through 1st hand examples, how to tap into your best performance at altitude starting with Day I; riding at a moderate altitude. In the afternoon, I will be presenting information  that will give you  helpful hints to best

We All Have One = A Million Dollar Dog. At 9 Months hold he's already labeled our Million Dollar Dog. He was also supposed to be my running partner.  About 3 months ago on a hike he came up lame, and has been limping ever since. The 1st trip to the Vet had him Dx with inflamed growth plates = Rest After having to carry him home from the park one day a few weeks ago, 2nd trip to the Vet, she thought he had bilateral subluxation of the carpels = Referral to Orthopedic. This is a