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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Big Changes for 2013

As always, just as I am excited to bring in a new day,

it’s equally exciting, if not more exciting, to bring in a New Year.

I hope everyone’s Christmas Holiday was awesome, that you had a Happy Hannukkah, and are bringing in  a Happy Kwanzaa.

Whatever you celebrate I send you blessing and best wishes.

The road that I have traveled over the last few weeks has been an interesting one.  One that has been deep in meditation, thought, and perspective; as I think about what it is I want in my personal life and my professional life over the next 370+days.

I am so grateful for our all of our 2012 Sponsors.

2013 brings in some new light.  For which, I am even more grateful!

2013 brings on Mad Duck Cyclery.  It is with open heart that I express my true gratitude for being part of the Mad Duck family.  Through the years they are always there stepping up with support at races, when I have been in totally desperate situations; seconds before a race start.  And to be part of this family, and to be able to extend Mad Duck Services to Team Zoefitness makes me very proud.

Thank you Clarence and Mad Duck Cyclery!

2013 Brings on Salt Stick Tabs as a product sponsor.




This is a superior electrolyte product.  I have been using it for years.  It contains everything you need, and you don’t need to take 10 tablets an hour.  It has been an ingredient in my magic potion for as long as I can remember.  Vitamin D3(cholecalciferol), Mg, and Calcium, as well as all the other essential electrolytes.

The biggest change is I will be Title Sponsor.  There’s still time if you would like to be part of Team Zoefitness as Title Sponsor before kits are made for the Top Notch Athletes who represent me and our sponsors across the country and across the world.    I’m not sure how me being Title Sponsor will effect all of the other events I sponsor through bottles, schwag and cash.   That has always been an important part of what I do; the more capital I can raise, the more money I can pay forward to the local racing scene.  I’m hoping my support will not be affected.  I do know, that I have Faith and Hope and a lot of it, so I know it will work out for the best.  It’s just kinda scary right now.

Team Zoefitness has brought forward  almost all of our current sponsors:


Best tires ever!!



Best Races in Texas, and San Juan Hut to Hut!!





I love all their products I try!  Ski Goggles, Bike Helmets and of course, their Sunglasses!!



Inspirational Nathan Berg helps you reach comfort and performance on any of your bikes.  Crazy on the Mountain Bike, Awesome on the TT bike!!




Always there to help in my website and jersey design.



Infinit Nutrition; if you’re using product, make sure this is the one you’re using.  Different sources of sugar, energy makes for less GI distress, it’s the only mix you can make a custom blend.  That means you are able to adjust the electrolyte blend, caffeine, and flavor.  If you’re using a product, make sure this is the one.


 The Best Clothing for Sport Ever.  Period.


After Thanksgiving I spent time with my long time friend and spiritual medium Betsy Morgan.  I have known Betsy for close to 20 years.

There were some things she shared with me;

1) Spend 2-3 hours in meditation prior to 12.21.2012; This was fascinating, on my meditation my jack russell terrier dug up a baby rattler.  A very angry baby rattler.  This is very symbolic to me as I bring in 2013.  The bite of the rattler, the sting, and the poison that it represents.   The biggest change for me, in my personal life as I bring in 2013 is that I will no longer put energy forth into relationships that no longer serve me.  What this means, is that I will be setting up boundaries, that will not allow me to be hurt by the actions and words of other people, the people who I share my inner most circle with. I will no longer allow myself to be bit by the metaphorical rattle snake.  The bite,  that in years past, has left me hurt, belittled, and  feeling like less than I am.  This poison, I have allowed into my life, has taken away from the creativity of my work, and  my true calling.  I am to be the best person I can be, not only for myself, but for all of those who share the planet with me.  For 2013, I move more into this light.

2) Swim with the dolphins.  I didn’t actually get in the water and swim with them, but I went to be with them.  When I googled swimming with the dolphins, most sites that came up were about swimming with dolphins in captivity.  I feel strongly in my heart to not  facilitate profit to organizations who make a living off of living things in captivity.  

This worked out perfectly awesome because my Grandmother at the ripe young age of 92, is quickly losing her memory.  I wanted to see her, see my Dad, spend time on Sanibel Island, and also go see the dolphins.

Plus, I got to work on my tan.

Wow, what a great Christmas present to myself and the girls.  We got to spend time with my father in law too.  It was a great trip, and the sounds of the ocean, the sand in our feet.

I did however, not want to spend time swimming in the ‘natural lazy river’ where the hammer head sharks relax.

I asked our guide what, if anything, she has noticed changing in the waters in relation to the BP oil spill and Global Warming.

She did say, that in all her years of guiding that the Horseshoe Crabs are dying.  She felt it was directly related to the BP oil spill.  The reason she shared with me is this is a ‘prehistoric creature’ Direct from wikipedia: ” The earliest horseshoe crab fossils are found in strata from the late Ordovician period, roughly 450 million years ago” are difficult to die off or even kill.  Yet when we were on the beach there were piles of dead crabs, by the dozens.  Is this a sign, or a result of how we are treating our planet?  .  And why after 450 million years is there a die off?  This is a question we can only answer for ourselves.

Tornadoes in December…

8.5 acre sink holes in Louisiana that most of  America knows nothing about.  Cause and Effect: Oil and Gas Industry making unsafe decisions about storing Natural Gas, in a salt dome can you believe it?  Such a surplus, yet continuing to drill like it’s going out of style.  Please pray for the people who’s lives are effected by this and many other similar situations across our country.

Our planet is on a brink of change and as part of that change we should plan to expect more major storms that could leave us with power outages.  Plan for 3 days: Water (check), Cash (check), Candles (check), Non Perishables (kinda check), I bought fuel for my camp stove and lantern (check), non electric/gas way to heat my home (check).  Solar Charger (check) This is not paranoia, this is living for today and planning for tomorrow.

I do hope that we grab the bull by the horns and make the changes we need to environmentally and consciously make this world a better place for our children.

This has been the lesson of the end of the Mayan Calender and the need for us, as Children of God , to recognize that we are all of that and more; Children of  the Light and of Love.  So today, I recognize that you, as my brother, and for myself, that we, are all perfect children of God and we will move forward into the New Year sharing this energy of Love and Light.
