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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

The Best Way to Face Your Fears

Is to conquer them.

Went out today to ride the foothills.

It’s all about fast right now,


not getting hurt.

I felt good, I was effortlessly floating, it was easy.

I did a full lap, not to the Water Tank, Sub 1 hour.

The Mountains were growling, thunder,

so what did I do?

Another lap; a TT lap.

Another PR.  Or at least tied with a PR, but this one came an hour into it.

I realized while I was out there,

just ride, the storm is coming,

and I am safe.

Even if I get struck by lightening, it’s doing what I love the most, riding.

So I rode without fear.

The last time I rode the foothills the cacti were dying.

It was the day I left for San Juan Hut to Hut, it was brown, dead.

You can still see the scars of the severe drought.

I was glad I went,

It’s green up there,

and blooming.

Full of Life.