Big Changes for 2013
As always, just as I am excited to bring in a new day, it's equally exciting, if not more exciting, to bring in a New Year. I hope everyone's Christmas Holiday was awesome, that you had a Happy Hannukkah, and are bringing in a Happy Kwanzaa. Whatever you celebrate I send you blessing and best wishes. The road that I have traveled over the last few weeks has been an interesting one. One that has been deep in meditation, thought, and perspective; as I think about what it is I want in my personal life
This Winter Re-Define the Hour of Power
Quite the Adventure this morning on my bike ride; As you can see. Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!
Today I am not listening to my Coach
I am choosing to be a hard headed athlete. Sometimes the mental benefit outweighs the physical rational self. And for that I say, I can always take tomorrow OFF. But Today, I listen to my soul.
The Truth; Sometimes it’s Ugly, and sometimes it Hurts
The Blog post that just wouldn't come. Sometimes it's writers block or something similar; usually, I have something to say, it's just sometimes: Do I want to say it? How do I want to say it? How will I find the words to properly express myself, make myself heard clearly
Tips to Help Prevent the 5 Pound Holiday Weight Gain
Zoefitness Challenge: Don't be part of the 5 pound Holiday Weight Gain: Make a commitment, a conscious choice, not to be. Make a plan and then, stick to the plan! Here are some simple steps to prevent the Holiday Weight Gain: Introduce yourself to the Buffet: 1st take a look around, see what is being served, and take the time to plan and choose healthier alternatives. Eat before the party. Don't find yourself next to the buffet table. Engage in good conversations, avoid conversations that keep you interested in the food that is being served, instead find