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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Vacation’s Over

Sabbatical is done.

2 years living in my favorite place in the world.  Our retirement home, or vacation home, or apartment, town home, whatever you want to call it.

It has been really good to me.

Ken got promoted in December with Fastenal, the greatest company in the whole world.

They have taken such great care of us over the years.  And Ken has taken such good care of me and our family over the years.  He is the best, he is the reason, I  am able to give back so many of the proceeds to the cycling community via Zoefitness, in 2012 I gave back 50% of all my profits either to the Team, Events, or Cash Payouts at races.  And I feel truly blessed.

There was a lot of time I did not know if we were going to make it through this mandatory transplant to New Mexico.  About a year.  When I thought for sure that Ken and I would not be moving forward in space together.

And then, God came a long with a freight train.

We are relocating  Winona, Minnesota.

Another one of the most beautiful places in the world.


Winona, Pre Target














2007-1778-sWinona, Minnesota is a river town, located about 105 miles South of the Twin Cities.  On the Mississippi .

The last census I saw said that it has a population of 27,000.

It’s where our babies were born.

We lived there from 1999 to 2004, when Ken got promoted to Texas.winona-0768-s

We really enjoyed our time there, it was some of the best in our lives, and we are looking forward to a fresh beginning, a new start.

Our friends there are so glad we’re coming back.

I have missed them dearly.

Our Texas friends were sad we left, we were too.  I am very sad about my departure from Tejas.  It never did seem quite right.

I have made some some great New Mexico friends.  Different from when I lived here before.  Did you know Ken and I met here in Albuquerque?

We will miss the school, Albuquerque Academy.  It’s one of the best school’s in the country.  Last year they had the 4th highest SAT scores in the nation.  The idea of horizontal learning, and so many arts and so much diversity, we will miss it truly.

My new friends from this stay:

My friend Rose, an amazing woman, who in my short stay here overcame cancer, and still showed up and kicked my ass at the local XC race last weekend.

My friend Jen, an amazing person, also a fabulous athlete, a great Mom, so devoted in her time to her fitness and family.  We met at School, and she introduced me to such a fabulous group of women.

My friend Renee, fun, caring and full of life.  Had the nerve to do her first Mountain Bike Race Cat II on her 50th birthday.  That takes gonads.

I am truly blessed to have been able to meet so many gentle souls in my years.

All of my friends I have known since the 90’s with my 1st stay in New Mexico, Kimmie, John, Silvio.

Everyone I have crossed paths with in these last 2 years, and in all my life, are truly blessings to me, and I am so grateful for this experience, and my health.

Retirement is not far off, and we will return to New Mexico and Texas for good.

Until then, you know where to find us.

Don’t forget to bring your kayak, your bike and in the winter your skis.

And don’t you worry Texas and New Mexico friends, I already have a lot of plans to come back!

You may not even know I am gone.

And a few of you I will see at SSUSA, in Winona, MN.