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Under the Teaching Tree

“Then, I walked across and sat beneath the same flowering jacaranda tree where the children had received their teachings.   I was reminded of a story that originated in a land far away from the Maya.  One day, according to an Eastern story, the gods decided to create the Universe.  They created the stars, the sun and the moon.  They created the seas, the mountains, the crystals, the flowers and the clouds.  Then they created human beings.  Finally at the end, they created truth. At this point a problem arose: where should they hide truth so that humans would not find it right away. They wanted to prolong the adventure of the search.

‘Let’s put it on top of the highest mountain’, said one of the gods.  ‘Let’s put it on the farthest star,’ said another.  ‘Let’s hide it in the darkest and deepest of the abysses.’  ‘Let’s conceal it on the secret side of the moon.’

At the end, the wisest and most ancient god said, ‘No, we will hide truth inside the very hearts of human beings.  In this way they will look for it all over the Universe, without being aware that they have it within themselves all of the time.'”

The Maya End Times: A spiritual Adventure; Maya Prophecies for 2012.

Patricia Mercier