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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Won’t You Take Me Down to Stumpytown:

I got to the turnaround in 4:14.

Oh, I definitely made the cut-off to finish the whole thing.

If I had to guesstimate I would have probably come in at about 7:45, or in between 715 and then.

I knew I had 1 to 2 hours in me, I did not feel I had 3-4 hours in me.

I wanted to feel good my 1st week in Albuquerque,

I wanted to get the dogs before the Doggie Day Care closed.

I wanted to ride long,

I wanted to see the Rocky Mountains,

I wanted to say ‘hi’ to Leadville.

I moved the orange cone for Marilee,

gave Ken a high five at the top of Dutch Hill.

2014 Zoe at Silver Rush

Coach Zoe, the Chipmunk, always has a “cud’ of food in her cheek for biking pictures!









Got the dogs.

Headed out,

Avoided  the storm,

home to ABQ by 11.

That was already way past my bedtime.

I rode Batman.

Batman did not fail me.

Batman was a rock star!

Batman is a 1 x 11, I decided to test the 32 front ring.

I think, I 32 front ring would be fine for the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.

I would strongly suggest a 30 cog front ring for the Silver Rush.

I had one training ride going into Silver Rush race.

I knew I could pull anything between a 6.5 hour and a DNF, I had no expectations, having just come off An Olympic Distance Triathlon ‘A’ race.

Next year I will do more than one training ride, I will run a 30 tooth front cog, and have my training include some more specificity for hike a bike.

Don’t make any mistakes, the one training ride…that is NOT why I didn’t finish Silver Rush.

I didn’t finish because I didn’t want to.  I did exactly what I wanted to, when I wanted to.

Leadville 50 miler topo





You see that 25 mile mark, the 1/2 way point?

That’s “Stumptown”

I was not particularly excited about the wet, slippery hike a bike section out of Stumptown.

I had successfully completed all of my intentions.

I am so happy to I went to Leadville.  I don’t think I could call a summer, a summer, unless it included time in my favorite city in the US.


Next year I WILL Kick it’s ass;

I just hope the t-shirts are nicer!

I will even stop over in Breckenridge, and have somewhere to stay more than one night.  Definitely want to stay 2 nights!

Thanks for reading up on me.

It’s always great hearing from you!