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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Top Of Columbine to Winona, Minnesota in 47 Hours Flat

I am seriously a glutton for punishment.

There is something about 12 hour races and moving that has become my forte.

Dawn to Dusk, 2 days later movers.

Leadville 100.

My stopover between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Winona, Minnesota.

The Townhouse is ready, the car is loaded and I am off to Leadville.

I race Leadville, pick up my schwag, hug Ken and Merilee and I am off to Minnesota.

I did have a nice stop over in Des Moines.

I get off on 43 and the truck dies.

No Shit.

I coast over to the shoulder, and I am pissed.  I just raced for 11 hours, and drove for 2 days, with a truck full of crap and I am 4 miles from home.

1st try, no luck.

2nd try, starts up, but I am scared shitless.

I make it home.  But I am cranky!

We unload the truck.


Two days off, I want to swim so bad.

But I am going from Belt Buckle Finisher to Angry Single Speeder in 7 days flat.

SSUSA 2013

Wednesday, I take the bike out, it’s rough; 50-90 watts, and that is all I have, I do manage to hit some higher zones, and start to feel good.  I am having fun on Holzinger I have gears for the 1st time all summer.

It takes it all out of me, and I’m toast for 2 more days.

Single Speed USA is going to be tough.

But how can I pass this up, it’s like God’s gift to me,

It’s his way to say,

Welcome home to Winona, I am bringing all of your friends together for a real party”

The only catch:

“You have to race Single Speed for 35 miles and 4k in climbing 7 days after earning a belt buckle at Leadville.”

HAHA, that sounds like just the challenge for me.

After Wednesday’s ride, I realize, I have to cheat for SSUSA.

Race Bike, Race Wheels, and I had already ordered a bigger cog in the back, a 21.

I’m in.

My work out watch is still on Mountain Time, I wanted to wake up at 6.  Thought it was, but it was 7.  Ouch.  Race doesn’t start until 10 so I will be OK.

What a great race, what fun.

We had to walk our bikes out for some time, and then head back to the Lodge and the boys at 29’n Single, moved everybody’s bikes.  HAHA.

Le Mans start, so no one knew they moved them.

Going up the quarry was rough, I wanted to ride it, I felt like I was back at St Keven’s or whatever that 1st climb is called at Pb.

Except, it’s tight single track.  No one wants to yield or move over, or walk fast.

Oh well, the nature of the beast.

It was a good ride, I rode as  hard as I could.

I kicked Cherry Hill’s ass, cleared the whole thing.  I was stoked, both climbs.

I hadn’t ridden Cherry Hill since the early 2000’s.  And it felt good to be back.

There was new trail they cut, a couple of miles.  It was brutal, rough, tight Texas Trees.  Never been, never will be my forte.  I just did what I could.

Then, we went back over to NSP trail.

That was a nice walk.

And over to Sugar Loaf. I have never been up to Sugar Loaf, so this made it so exciting.  I knew the descent was technical, I tip toed through it, then, got on the bike, to see an old friend.

Too bad, I was more interested in talking with my old friend, then, I was paying attention.

I have no idea what happened, because well, like I said, I wasn’t paying attention, all I know is I was disconnected from my bike and my ass hurt.

I blame Kohner.  Why, because it’s funny.

It’s all Kohner’s fault, of course.


The nice thing about giving birth without pain meds, is I don’t even notice, I just jump back on my bike, and ride like nothing happened.  Butt, my ass  hurtZ!  Damn, you Kohner.  HAHA!

Back over to the Lodge, stop for some water, up the Cistern, cleared.

Yippie, Wild Wood!

What the frack is this…Texas Trees with logs…yuck, off the bike stop and pee, 5th place catches me. Boo hoo.

More trail I have never been on, I thought, Seve said this was a “fast lap”.

HAHA joke is on me.

Over to Quarry.

I am tired, no mistakes,

came down, tip toed, descent…

the moment I have been waiting for,

The Low Rollers!

27.5 mph….LOVE!!!



I am very pleased with my performance.

It was a learning curve.

I learned, that now at sea level, my heart is working in the higher end zones, unlike New Mexico.

I will be having fun comparing my power numbers with associated HR and seeing the difference.

I can’t wait to finally rest:




I’m sorry Boyfriend Scott, it may be a while before I ride you again.

You’ve beat me up pretty good in the last 7 days:

140 Miles and 19k in climbing in two races.

But I still love you.