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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Today is Tuesday, Argh, It feels like Monday!

Maybe that’s a good thing, I’m not sure.

Dropping Ken off at the airport is always a bitter sweet moment.

Yesterday was a great day, until about 2.5 hours into our ride in to Jemez Dam.

Here’s the route with elevation gain, just figured it was about 55 miles.

I had to bail.  You know that toe I broke?  Well, it didn’t give me any trouble but now:

That was 8.25…so I was guessing, it has been about 3 weeks.  I don’t remember triggering it with anything…I just kept getting up and going, and going, and going, no pain: Running/Biking/Swimming even with fins!

Yesterday, I couldn’t even put weight in my leg.  Shooting pain, dull aching pain, when the pain got up to 7-10 on a 10 point scale, and less than 5 miles from home, I asked Ken to to go get the car.

I didn’t know he was hurting, but he made the comment, “what did you expect me to take off  like Lance Armstrong”.

“Well, yes”.

I wasn’t hurting at all.  I actually felt really good after 50 miles and 2000 feet of climbing, I felt like I could go get those guys who our riding partner Jen thought ‘had cute butts’.

But, then the pain would shoot up again.

Aren’t we cute?!

This was when the pain was just aggravating, when I began to pull back on the pushing of the pedal stroke.

Sunday everyone, but me played golf and tennis.  I played with people’s athletic accomplishments.  I love what I do.  It’s a beauty of a job.

You can read Justin’s blog about Marathon Nationals under forum/mountain biking.

You can read about Michael’s XC race in the same place.

Rey raced too.  He did great, considering he pulled a Zoe and decided to drop a chain.  His was at the start, that hurts, when you’re supposed to be in a sprint already, and then, you have to do a double sprint?!?

As always I continue to play with food.  These are great:

90 calories, 24  g of carbohydrates, and it tasted AWESOME!!

They have other types too.  I also like the strawberry/banana.  I have one that has spinach in it.

From a Paleo diet standpoint the one with spinach would be best for racing, long races, when the hydrogen ions begin to build up in your muscles, and the Ph begins to rise.  Spinach, along with raisins are the greatest acid reducers.  Mmm…it’s like candy. But better.

Saturday we went on a killer hike up La Cueva, it was about 1.5 hours.

Friday I did 22 miles in the foothills.  That was 2.5 hours ‘TEMPO” pace.

Thursday I had the day off, that’s my official.  I almost rode with my new friends, but I have to remember, the ‘plan’.

Wednesday I swam about a mile.

And ran for an hour in the foothills with Mojo and Molly working on cadence.  They are getting in better shape everyday.

Monday, I swam.

Sunday I raced….I think I blogged about that already….I did only OK….
