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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

The Wild Hare Meets the Crazy Tortoise: Part Non

Here I am 8:55 PM and I’m ready for the nightie night.  I have been since 7:40 but something I hate to have happen on race night is, waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go to sleep.  So here it is, talked to my ol’ man for at least an hour.

I’m lucky to be here.  His car broke down in Austin, had to be towed, and 40 miles from Bluff Creek Ranch I was certain I was going to have to turn around and go home to be with the girls.  Trust and it all works out.

My heart sank though when we finally talked, thinking about my lovely ladies and they’re in good hands with Runner Susan and Runner Susan JR, but still, I love my kids and I can’t stand to think about them being with anybody but Dad and I. 

Finally, 6 PM Dad is on the way from the car dealership to make it home for bedtime.  It’s weird how sometimes things happen.  I’m glad I made it here.  Let’s see, today, Dad’s car going to the shop in Austin.  Let’s see one Traithlon I was supposed to do I broke my jaw.  There was another something I was supposed to do and some saga happened.  So three this year.  So does that mean for the crazy tortoise meeting the wild hare it will be good?

So here I am deciding what socks I am going to wear tomorrow.  Hmm, my smart wools, my brown ones or my blue REI’s.  decisions decisions decisions.  I’m voting brown, most cushy.  I have never been here when the creek is dry. 

I took a stroll down memory lane, my first 12 hour here, I was sick, had a low grade fever, this is before my friend bought Terra Firma but I was trying to get ready for a crazy race I want(ed) to do.  I did 6 laps, I’ll put that into perspective, tomorrow, I run 4.  Same course, same ranch, different crazy tortoise.

So yesterday I asked myself, how the hell did I get doing all this crazy ultra stuff:

Then, after meditating I remembered, I want(ed) to do Montezuma’s Revenge.  People who know me, know I always like a challenge.  My first Mountain Bike Race was an Expert Race, in the mud.  My second mountain bike race was 40 miles.  My second triathlon, I think, at least olympic distance, was Escape from Alcatrez.  Leadville, winning multiple State Champions in Marathon Mountain Biking, and screw marathons tomorrow, I run 50K.

So any ways Montezuma’s Revenge is how this whole crazy addiction started.  Last time I checked they didn’t even have the race anymore.  It started in Montezuma Colorado and you had to hike your bike over a 14’er in the dark.  I even bought the back pack to attach my bike to.

That was my plan: 12 hour, until successful, Leadville until successful, 24 hour until successful, Montezuma’s Revenge.  The crazy tortoise is so slow, she never got to do the race.

So I am scared about tomorrow.  I’m like every athlete.  Any time I try something new, I get a little antzy, excited, scared.  I think, it’s part of the thrill.  But for some reason, I am so ready for bed.

The crazy tortoise is running the Wild Hare in lieu of my favorite marathon race.  Palo Duro Canyon is tomorrow.  Kimmie is there, Michael is there.  Thomas was going to be there.  He’s been having a tough go with his ride, they had to warranty his entire bike and now he just got his new one.  He’s a pretty brave soul.  I would never think about riding a Marathon Race on a brand new bike.  I’m kinda glad he’s not, too much risk, bikes handle differently.  He, Thomas place 4th at Juan Poleta’s riding fully rigid, he had to lock both shocks out because they were both broken.  4th place next to a Trek/VW guy with both shocks locked out, that’s impressive.


I’m trying to decide if I should look up the spanish word for tortoise.

The wild hare meets the loco….tortuga

The Wild Hare meets the loco tortuga…