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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

That Moment When I Knew that Breaking My Foot Was Good

At some point; most of the time when something bad happens, we have to turn our thoughts into, ‘there has to be something good about this.’

Breaking my foot a year ago last September was one of those times, and re-injuring it, and re-injuring it and re-injuring it.

I knew it was good, and just that the good hadn’t showed up yet in my life.  I just had to trust.

And last week, minus the potty break fiasco I ran 5 miles with 8:30 minute miles.

That’s the fastest run in my adult life, and the ‘fast’ sections were Z3 I knew, with all my heart, that breaking my foot was the best thing that could have happened.

Yea, it totally pissed my off at the time; I had to scratch the idea of an Ironman last summer, all triathlons, and maintaining a run fitness of a weekly long run of 9 to 12 miles.

What I did get to do: lots and lots of dynamic exercises, work on form (which is still a work in progress; gotta get that push off on the right foot a little better) and short sprints during the winter, as well as long snow shoes.

That lead to a much tighter run form.  And apparently it is paying off.

I’m pretty stoked about the whole situation, because I feel now, that I can move forward into a Triathlon racing season that appears very, very exciting.

Even though I hate waking up at the pre butt crack of dawn to set up transition.

It has been 2 years essentially since doing a Triathlon.  The broken foot lead me to another Belt Buckle in Leadville, and the year before I was training to run the 50 miler in Leadville, which I did successfully but it left little time for entertaining the idea of racing Triathlons.

So these little things are getting me fully amped.

Monday at the pool was very good.

I NEVER thought;  although, have always trained and hoped, that I would be able to swim a 21 minute mile.  In this case, 1750 yards.

I did.

I can’t believe it, but I can.  I’m still pretty amazed, and rejoicing.

Up until this point I have been still coming back.

When I began seeing Coach Tom at Flower Mound Master Swim about 4 years ago,  he tore my swim stroke apart, and re-built it.

No, I re-built it.

Prior to Coach Tom my mile PR was about 26 minutes and my 500 was 7:06,  set back in the 90’s.  When I began re learning how to swim I was swimming consistent 9 minute 500’s and 32 minute miles.

I was doing everything I could to realize that it was for the good of my times, but frankly it was hard not beating myself up about slow times.

In recent times I have been able to pull an 8:06 and even once a 7:30.  So I knew I was getting closer.

So after a 2+hour bike ride on Sunday with 25oo feet of climbing and a 5 mile run on Saturday (another PR stated above)  I decided to time my mile on Monday morning.


That will be hard to beat.

And I sure hope it comes together on race day.

Do you want to know the secret for this awesome time?

The warm up:

300 Swim with Snorkel

3 x 50 Sprint

The Sprint was the secret.

After my mile I felt good, so I just kept swimming, and swimming and swimming for a 32-3300 yard…I forgot the workout.  That’s what I do, when I don’t use a white board, I forgot.  (The mind is too clear)

Today’s Swim Workout is posted on the Zoefitness FB page.

My 500 Pull was on 7:06, my old swim PR.

When do I rest?

Tonight is TV night!!  Yippee!!