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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Piss + Vinegar

Equals one cranky Halloween witch!!

That’s me…

Ikes, scary!!

Just ask Ken Nance.

Makes me wonder how people do it.

A day off from exercise, OK

2 days off from exercise, Alright.

A week,

A month,

A year,

A decade,

Since High School.

I don’t understand that, not at all.

Exercise feels so good, I feel so good when I exercise, I sleep better, I am more relaxed, I am happier, my Gluten Free Muffin top is smaller.

Exercise is Medicine

so why not?!?!

Exercise is recommended for cancer patience, cardiac rehabilitation, brain neurophysiology, dementia, blood sugar control, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders…

I can’t list them all.

So what’s your excuse?

I, of course, understand, Injury or 24 hour race…

It’s been too long for me.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have been exercising every day.  I walk between 1 and 1.5 hours everyday; with the dogs.  It’s our medicine, therapy, my mediation.  I’m talking real exercise.  I usually have been getting 1 swim in and 1 really good bike ride before I decide to slam my broken foot into something for another set back.  I have been doing strength every other day, my push ups, upper body, and what I can do without impacting my foot.

What I am talking about is :


My Boyfriend Scott is all ready, tires pumped up with air.

I am going to ride it today.

I will drive up the hill, hit the pavement, and then, hit some easy dirt where there will be no instability available.

I really would like to debut the TMBRA Marathon Mountain Bike Race; that gives me 2 weeks to get to 5 hours, I am not setting my hopes to high.

Just having hope.

I guess, if I have figured out my lesson the luck will be in my favor.  If I have not then, back on the sidelines I will sit.

Even with a 🙂 on my face.

Going out and getting lost for several hours, up to 5, or even 6.  That’s what I want, that’s what I need, that’s what I pray for.

Truly feeling the Spirit which connects all of us with all things.

– Zoe