People Have Been Asking What’s on My Schedule for 2016
It May be Time to Start Training…
NAH! Maybe…Time will tell. HAHA
Versus just having fun and working out.
Fun is more fun!
Since Leadville 100 Race Across the Sky Mountain Bike race 2015, I have just been having fun. Doing what I want, letting the weather facilitate what is on my training program.
And this winter, after the last 2 in Minnesota, I have had no motivation to be cold, whatsoever. I do commit to turning a new leaf next winter. I promise. Nothing, nothing here in New Mexico, is colder than Minnesota in the winter; the -10 and -20 degree temps I was training and racing in!
All this fun has been what I’ve needed in the midst of all of my life changes.
I’ve needed to be flexible.
I still need to be flexible, and honor myself until the completion of my house.
I really, really, feel like I can move on now.
And I am moving on, and I am moving forward. Not full throttle quite yet…baby steps. When the house is done, and the studio open, and the office unpacked, expect a whirlwind of complete awesomeness!
Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve been working out! It’s just looked different then when I’m actually on a Training Plan.
Not everyone can go…hmm…El Paso Puzzler 50 on SS, or 12 Hours of ABQ, just because, or whatever else I feel like.
A lot like:
Palo Duro Canyon Marathon…
It’s been bliss.
My data collection has been sub par since then too! I went months without power data. Not on purpose, it’s just I’ve been having some technological difficulties, I’ve over come those.
Oh, look, IDB 6 hour.
Oh, look, a pool.
I spent much of this winter working strength:
Running the dogs, Hiking, Snowshoeing, 3k’s in the pool one to two days per week,
I’ve been getting ‘er done.
And Fun is Fun.
Well, I have started training. I have actually committed days to specific sports. I’m actually writing a schedule.
The house isn’t finished yet. So I still have to move, unpack, and organize, one more time.
And I am the Mom of 2 absolutely wonderful teenage monkeys. So flexibility and honoring myself is still pretty high on the list.
The other things that are high on the list are:
Xterra World Championships,
Xterra Beaver Creek,
Firecracker 50,
and SR 50 on SS
This is the hypothesized schedule for the year.
April Adoption Exchange Classic
June 24 hours of Enchanted Forest,
October Xterra World Championships
That doesn’t include any and all of the local events, outside of Adoption Exchange, that will make me faster for my end goal.
It’s clear that I have some things on there, that don’t at all facilitate my end goal. However, they’re fun, and I want to do them. So I’m going to!
I ran for the 1st time in a long time without the dogs.
I did OK.
I’ve got a long way to go.
I averaged 10 Minute miles, and I had to slow down a few time for ice and mud, and stuff. You know personal safety. And well, speaking of safety…One flying lunge! Been a long time since I’ve done that!
Which is still about where I was the last time I ran. It doesn’t look like PR’s, what I can tell, is they’re the same times as my PR. So, my 1st day back, pretty damn good. BUT…still slower than I want to be. But that’s EZ, cause well, it’s my 1st day back. When I do that run with the dogs, it usually takes 45 minutes.
Walking, hiking, dynamic ex’s and running the dogs for months, yearZ, all helps maintain the run. So I cannot wait to see what happens when I actually start training more.
My swim is pretty good, and my biking, well, you can probably guess how that is.
I’ve missed running immensely.
So here goes…
I haven’t been to Xterra World Championships since 2006.
I haven’t qualified since 2011.

Quadzilla Qualifies for Worlds 2011
See how far I can go,
How fast I can go,
And how much I can do.
Thanks for checking in.
Always remember,
You’re #1
Be Your Ultimate Potential