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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Party’s Over

Well, it was supposed to be over last week.

And with one home sick,

I got the love and was down between her and me, 3 days, plus a slow forward moving comeback.

I had a pretty good week last week.

I did the slowest 5 miles ever in my life. = 2 hours.   I’m looking for Xterra Runs that will work with a Holzinger bike ride.


I went from Lower Garvin Heights to Upper Garvin Heights via the stairs.

A couple of weekends ago, I heard someone say that you could go from the top to the cemetery, so I went down to the left.

It was steep, and rocky, and parts of it were lose.

It went to the same trail I came up.


So I went back up, the way I came to see if I missed anything.

Then, I shot out the top, through the neighborhood, and shot over to the Sugar Loaf trail.


I did the walk/run combo along the ridge line of the bluff to Sugar Loaf.

Down Sugar Loaf, and then, a pretty painful traverse on Lake BLVD back to the car.

I took Friday off to clean the house and mow part of the yard.

Saturday is my day to swim long.

Shit has been hitting the fan, so I decided to see how long I could swim without stopping.

I managed a 4k in 1:18 with one trip out of the pool for a potty break.

I guess, I just can’t let ‘er rip in the pool.

So next weekend, I thought I would go for 5000 yards, and then, to the 5k.

So today I hit the bike. 

The Party is Over,

and I am training like I coach my athletes, and man, when push comes to shove, it gets hard.

I rode for about 1:45

The plan was to go up Garvin and then, do 2 x 20 minutes Z4 intervals.

I was supposed to go up Garvin at my FTP.

I had a lot in the tank, and the steepness of the climb, I wasn’t even close to my FTP.  It was 10 minutes in Z5/6.

Even though I was trying my hardest to hold back, I just couldn’t do it.

Then, came the 2 x 20’s.

I had a hard time controlling the intensity because of the wind.

I managed Z3 for both sets.

But I am tired.

Really tired.