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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Living on Nettles, Oil of Oregano and Espresso

Hummed to the Grateful Dead song, “Truckin”

I had a skin reaction to anti histamines, not the greatest when dealing with allergies so I found this little thing called ‘nettles’.  An herb that grows like crazy along the river beds in Minnesota.  Whisping through the singletrack of Cherry Hill the nettles would brush us.  Most people they would itch, and bleed, me, they would just bug me a little bit.

We are stronger than the itch.  Thank God, too, because most days, I feel like I have rolled in poison ivy.

I leave on Thursday after the Senior Center.

I will be on the road for 10 days.  My sister, Autumn, is meeting me in Albuquerque to hang out.  There are some things I can’t wait to do:

1) drive my car with the windows open, especially my sun roof.  I have not been able to once open up the sun roof of my new car.

2) drive my car with the air not on recycle

3) open the windows of the our Town Home.  I sometimes can have the windows open at our current house for let’s say 15 minutes before dawn.  Sleep with the windows open.  I can’t wait to have fresh air that doesn’t make me feel wasted, or constrict my breathing, or make me want to barf, or feel like I’ve rolled in poison ivy.

4) Run from the house

5) Ride my road bike.

Simple pleasures, I know, I am a simple person.  Not simple in the sense that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.  I’m really like a machete when it comes to that.  Simple as in, I don’t require a lot of really complicated things.  A new bike, and new running shoes.  I am a hair snob and a coffee snob.

I am really, really excited about riding my road bike.  I have not done that in months, except on the rollers.  I can’t wait to ride my road bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From my house.

I am doubly excited about going to my Sports Medicine meeting in Denver.  I am wondering if Sevo and Mihm would want to take me mountain biking near by.  Old Winona friends.

I love learning, I do 60 hours on continuing education every 3 years.  That averages out to 20 hours per year, and that doesn’t include all the reading I do.  I pride myself in staying up to date with the current research.

I bet you’re excited, my sweet internet readers, to have an end to the endless Gas Patch Bull$hit, I know I am excited about it, too.

Time to move forward.  We are not sure where our adventure will take us.  I do know if we end up in Austin, there is a lot of work for me to do there at the capital.

My new campaign slogan:

“I am tired of being China’s Bitch”.

We all had a good laugh on that one.

My others,

“I”m so conservative, people think I’m liberal”.

“Call me what you will: an environmentally conscious Republican,  or a fiscally responsible Democrat”.

Regardless, most of us are sick of this $hit.  And” if you’re sick of this $hit too, then, vote for me”.  That’ s my campaign for President slogan.

We need to take control of our government, and do things the way we want to do them.  Like locally, look at our elections.  Just over 10% of the people voted.


If you didn’t vote, then, you have no room to complain about what is f’d up about our political arena.

I have never missed an election.  I have missed not voting on things on the ballot because I didn’t know one judge from the other judge.  Voting and having a voice is what America is all about.

And the biggest changes we can do are in our local governments.  The Town you live in.  You have a voice, and one thing I have learned is that one voice does make a difference.

No fooling’.

Or like, “I pity the fool” that don’t vote in his election.

Like me, I would show up in my Day of the Dead PJ bottoms, and my Ben and Jerry’s Tie Dye Shirt.  Just like I am showing up for you right here right now.

Just like I walk my dog in my PJ’s everyday.

Do you think, if I were President that would change?  NO.

Do you think our political status would change?

Hell YES!

Guaranteed I would fix everything that was broken.  I would piss some people off, but hey, I don’t care, and you can’t make everyone happy.  It’s called tough love.

And I have a whole can of tough love I want to open up in America.

Like Isreal…

America, mind your own business.  Your China’s Bitch, we have our own problems we need to take care of.  Why the hell are we over there meddling in everybody else’s stuff.

My ol’ man calls it ‘micro managing’.

Some things were just made to take care of themselves and I’m sick and tired of no one taking care of us.

It’s time that someone steps up to the plate and starts taking care of America and Americans.

That’s me.

These days everyone wants:

“More for Less”.  Walmart, the downfall of the American society and the American Economy.

Really what we need is to remember, “Less is more.”

Like I was telling the guys at Verizon, “I would pay 500 dollars for a phone if it was made in American by Americans”.

I’m tired of all the corporate welfare, and the off shoring of our technology and our jobs.

It’s time someone stood up for the Americans.

I’m tired of being China’s bitch.

Yea, when I’m  in charge it will be really uncomfortable. Like switching from fossil fuels to wind and sun.

Like outlawing plastics, and petroleum based hygiene and cleaning products.

Like socking the fast food industry with so many taxes people can no longer be able to afford to eat there.

Like socking more taxes on gas so people want to ride their bikes.

Like making air travel less affordable to keep the planes in better operable conditions and better working environments and like real food, and even real silver again.

Like cutting through all the red tape.

Like bringing all of our soldiers home and providing them with the care and the benefits they deserve.

To prohibit industrial farming and become a more centralized agricultural state.

Providing our elderly with the care and healthcare they deserve.

Doing away with the American Entitlement that we are passing on to our children.

Doctors should get paid less.

Teachers should get paid more.

Police and Firefighters should be paid more.

Lobbyists should be given wedgies and shown the door.

We need to go back to a government for the people by the people.

Not the, lobbyist pay the politicians to provide more corporate welfare.

It’s ridiculous and if you didn’t vote in the last 2 elections, I am mad at you!

So OK that rant is over.

Today I ran for an hour at Northshore in my vibrams.  I wanted to ride but the trails never opened.

Yesterday I swam a 2100 meters.  It was rad.

I love life, I love this 1200 filter that the Gas Industry, who lobbies for injustice for the American People forced me to buy.

Thank you Mr President, Thank you Mr Vice President of 2005.

Thank you Gas Industry for being the lamest corporations since big tobacco.

Let me explain something to you, the American Public plain and simple so that you really understand what is happening.

The Gas Industry receives 4 billion dollars in corporate welfare a year from our governments.

The Gas industry spends millions, probably billions of dollars on political retribution by sponsoring officials and paying lobbyist.

When really, in the long run, it would be more cost effective if they just put that money into doing things more safely:

like, electric rigs, rigs that have mufflers on them, replacing faulty casing, vapor recovery units.

So they pay up front, and they also pay on the back end too in law suits.

What would happen if they just did things right to begin with.?

Their profit margin would be bigger.  When we do the right thing, we always make more, both fiscally and mentally through Karma.

The Gas Industry is lying to you.

They say it’s for America…their secret…

They are selling hundreds of thousands of acres off to China, yes, here in Texas.

They are also, planning/wanting to sell the extra gas they are drilling to China.

I am tired of being China’s bitch.

Businesses stop sending all of our work to China through manufacturing.

Believe it or not Americans want to work.