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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I’ve been so excited, I can hardly contain myself

It was tough to co-ordinate.

Even though, I’ve known which two of the TMBRA Marathon Races I’ve been wanting to do for 6 months, I wasn’t sure how I would be juggling all of life’s curve balls.

I wasn’t sure if I would get another long ride in.  I was able to make that happen last Thursday.

I got in 5 hours and some 75 miles last week, on the road.  About 3000 feet of climbing.  It’s hard to remember the last time I road that long, on the road.

Then, I had to start the taper.  I wanted to do the full, but I wasn’t sure about my lovely lady situation.  I got that squared a way Monday, Slumber Party.  The difference between the short; 35 miles and the long, 50 miles is 2 hours.

It’s the difference between the potential of getting home at a reasonable hour or not.

My dear friend, Connie is coming: I think, this is the last time I road with her.

Isn’t she special!

And her old man, Thomas.

Kimmie was going to come, but I don’t think she wanted me to kick her a$$ on single speed 🙂

So we’ll be out in full force.  It’s very exciting to be representing out sponsors in such numbers.


  • kids = Check
  • Long Ride = Check
  • Taper:

Went something like this.  Better get out and do some work, and clear my mind of all that road work and get dirty:

It was totally out of control, some fast sections:




lots of juggling around, and yes, even some tip toeing.

And then, came the climb on SS: That came Tuesday 1200′ in 7 miles.  Yeah, I know, road but when it looks like the above on the trail, what else is a girl to do.

So I took off on a beautiful warm ABQ day, and headed to La Luz Trail Head:

It was a good ride: power/strength/stand up…and then, starting that all over again.

I’m proud of myself, I made it all the way up without having to walk.  It’s a perfect climb, really.

This is the last little part of the climb to the Trail Head.  Right around the bend, is probably the steepest part.  But you’re there, so it’s cool.


On Wednesday came ‘running’ the Power Lines.  Some of it was totally treacherous, with ice…some of it was so steep, it was a deep walk.

Thursday I went to UNM and swam.  Still, to this day, that is my favorite pool.  Albeit, I was sad that I missed long course by a day.  I wouldn’t have missed one day, if I had known.  I have been looking for something to give me more options for swimming besides Masters.  During the winter, it’s too hard to commit to a day indoors at the pool, when it’s in the 50’s.  It’s imperative to take advantage of the time to ride.

So 25.00/month, as an alumni, for full access to Johnson Center.  2 pools, a weight room that is 4x the size it was when I went to college there, a cardio room that is twice as big as when I was there.  Then, I saw they added a fitness room, a dance room.  I tell you what.  I feel blessed.

The UNM pool is the fastest pool I’ve ever swam in.  I slowly swam a 2000 in about 30 minutes.  Crazy fast pool.

1st Place UNM Pool, Albuquerque, NM: speed and vista

2nd Place St Mary’s Pool, Winona, MN: vista

3rd Place: Community Center Pool; Leadville, CO: Old School, 10,600 feet.

4th Place ABQ Academy, Albuquerque, NM: salt water.

I have been only swimming in salt water since June.  I have to say the burning of the sinus’ and the throat was almost overwhelming.

On the bucket list: University of Texas: Austin.

I don’t think, they’ll ever let me in the Olympic Training Center to swim, I would guess, that would be the fastest in the land.

Wednesday I brought my SS in to have it checked out for safety, my 1999 Specialized M4..

which is for sale: 1000.  20 p0unds. $1200 wheels, new. Fancy smancy:

The boys at the shop, my idol, Randy, told be I could take 1 to 1.5 pounds off the Scott if I converted it to SS.  The next thing I know I’m hauling 2 other bikes down to High Desert Bicycles to mix and match to make this:

I had to take it out today.  Not only does it have a new tire on the back it has new gearing: one of them, 32 x 18.

They told me 20 pounds, with everything on it.  I rode it today for 50 minutes.

I can’t tell you how tired the legs have been, since Wednesday.  I did 2 very serious strength days.  It I feel it.  So much, I’m praying my legs recover enough by Sunday.

I’m sure they will.

I have to say, that was the most awesome 50 minutes I have had in a long time.  The hills were fracking hard.

As long as the legs have time to heal and grow all that awesome muscle, then, I’ll be good.

The thing about today,

I was going so fast, it was almost scary.  I know it will be come race day.

I hit every rock that I could.  All 6 of them.  Just kidding.  There were a few more than that.

That thing just flies. It was awesome!

The race strategy:  Slow and Steady.  Focus on the running of climbs.  This race is a training race for what comes later in the season.  50 mile run, 12 hour Mountain Bike Race and a Half Ironman or Two.  Go as fast as I can, for as long as I can. 

Avoid all snakes.

Happy Trails.  Next up Race Re-Cap.