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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

11.3.2010 It’s been a crazy and exciting few days.

The fact that it’s November already is crazy enough.

We’ll start with my Friday Therapy Session:

I was hoping potential sponsor Classic Chevrolet would have  a representative there.  No luck.  Teammate Thomas got called for a last minute job, and Coaching Client Rey and I hit the trail.  I was tired and wanted to take it slow because I knew I had a long run on the weekend.

We were going so slow that Rey eventually crashed.  I made 2 sections I don’t usually when I’m by myself but didn’t have the gusto I wanted on three others.  In part, I know that was because I had no momentum to get over anything.  You can’t build momentum if you’re so slow the tortoises are beating you.  Finally, after Rey’s quad plant, I said, “This is even too slow for me, it’s driving me crazy”.  And then, all was well.  It was therapeutic after that.

I love riding my mountain bike.

Saturday was just chillin’ with the fam.

I had two days off from taking the monkeys to swim practice.  That was fabulous.  Literally.  I can’t remember the last time that happened.

Sunday was my 4 hour and 9 minute run.  I decided to do laps at Northshore, on the easy side.  First lap was awesome.  1:35 and some change and that included a stop to chat with my new friend Larry who had just run a 6 hour in Cross Timbers Trail in OK.  He ended up running with me for some time.  The last time I ran that same loop, I fell, and swore and laughed at myself and it took me 1:45.  I was excited about that.

Under 2 hours for the full lap.  12 or something of the sort.  3.5 hours was kosher, and then, I fell apart.  My leg gave out twice, my left one.  I wanted to walk, my mental game was crashed.  I wanted to cry to my momma, there were times I just thought there is no way I can finish this.

Mind over matter, I did.

Later on Sunday I had two shots of Patron so I could numb my legs and go trick or treating.

I was asking myself if I can barely do 22-24, then how, how am I going to be able to run 31  ?!?!?!?!?!?!??????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ken assures me everything will be different on race day.  Yeah, it will be different alright, it’ll be an extra hour of pure hell, I mean bliss.  I mean shot of patron on the last lap.  I’m thinking sprint/walk/sprint/walk.  One thing will be different, taper, full taper.

It’s Wednesday and I have not exercised yet.  Well, I have, I did ball class yesterday.  Does that count, not usually.  I couldn’t walk on Monday, yesterday was better, but not well enough to push.  I brought my swim bag, but class had me leaving like, no, don’t do it.


Today, I thought a therapeutic bike ride would be awesome.  But, it’s raining.  Mandatory time off; thank you oh great Exercise Spirit.  I’m lounging at Larry North blogging.  I will hit the pool for drills after my 11.  It’s not what I want to do, but getting sick is not at the top of my totem pole for smart moves right now.  I have to get moving because I can not and will not lose my physiological adaptations from Sunday.

Did I mention 4 hours and 9 minutes?!?!  HA<HA<HA. LOL.

So while I couldn’t walk Kathy, Sponsor and Teammate, was spotted in the new kit at Rowlett Creek Preserve:

I asked her if the mystery man wanted a kit.  I also asked if he had always wanted to do Comfort Marathon Mountain Bike Race but just didn’t know how to get ready for it.

I am now an official Registered Trademark.  That goes to show, more work.  But most awesome work.  I don’t even know how to do a fancy circle with an R.

So cheers, here’s to stretching out in a big body of chlorinated water.