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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

It felt so good to go fast again!

I haven’t ridden my bike since my farewell to Northshore: That was a sad day.

I have been so busy, relocating, packing, running…when I said good bye to Northshore, I was on SS.  That’s the only bike I have in TX.  When I came to NM for Memorial Day on my way to Denver for the American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, I left my Scott here.

It was AWESOME going FAST again!  I haven’t ridden as fast as I did yesterday in so long.  Since before I broke my jaw.  I wasn’t scared, I just flew.  I was smiling and laughing, it was great! I needed that.

My Scott is an awesome machine!  I will say, I am bike out of shape!  So here’s a little something from my ride yesterday:

Even though, the entire state of New Mexico is like a pile of ready to burn timber, somehow these little fellas found a way to bloom.  Isn’t it beautiful?

The mountains are all closed, except for the City of ABQ open spaces.  They don’t want the whole mountain to go up in smoke.  Which is probably a good thing, because some of the mountains contain nuclear war heads!

I will say, this sure beats…

Some of my friends are getting things like, walking pneumonia, bronchitis, early menopause, fibrotic cysts.  No one is asking, why?  Why are these things happening to me?  They shouldn’t being happening to me.

This is one of my favorite photos.  I probably almost died when I went by this one.  It reads, “Future Field of Dreams”  I’m sure this baseball diamond was donated to Robson Ranch by the generous gas companies.  They also donated: nose bleeds, asthma, COPD, Heart Failure, contaminated water, and well, enough of that already, it’s too depressing what is happening to our World.

I do believe the poles are reversing:

Scientific data supports that the poles have migrated:

“Meteorological Institute (DMI) show that the magnetic north pole is moving northwards at 20 km a year – 2 km a year faster than 12 months ago.”

This is actually old news, from 1999.  They have migrated more.  There seems to be a relation to what is happening to the poles and the acute weather patterns we are having.

Okay too deep, even for me, let me smell those flowers again: