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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I Need to Write Right Now

Other than breathing, there are no needs, so simply it’s a want. 

When we truly WANT to do something, that is exactly when we do it.

It is true, sometimes we get to a point, where we don’t want to do part of our training,

and we need to,

because we WANT to achieve our goals.

This little hump, is what makes success

And really.  It is as simple as flipping a switch in our brains.  Self talk.

This has been the most absolutely crazy year.  What do I do with it?  Do I let it define me, or do I ride the wave?

I am 

So Going to Ride the wave!!

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Honesty with myself, is the most difficult.

I have come to a place, where I recognize, I am no longer always going to perform the way that I want to.  Slowly since December, I have been coming to terms, that my work comes 1st.  My people, my athletes.  My family, my relationship.  I was given a gift.  My slightly above mediocre athleticism is one of them.  I am  able to succeed.  It is a full time job.  I have been there.  Not that I have ever raced at the Pro level.  This is where your workouts, including resting, comes before all other things.  And yes, there will be times that I do have to prioritize them based on my goals.  Right now in this part of the year, is not one of them. And I just have to let that shit go.

I want to share my gift as with many people as possible.  Swimming Clinics, Mountain Bike Clinics, Coaching, and Educating, a healthier more well balanced life.

Most everyone understands the; ‘start the project, and 3 trips to Lowe’s later’ analogy… Or, how projects take 3 times longer than you expect.  The same thing is true behind the scenes in Zoefitness. 

Every workout written, takes hours, upon hours of behind the scenes work. 

Each Clinic I do takes weeks to plan. Some of them, have been 4 years in the making.

And everything that I do takes hundreds of hours of education to complete it successfully.

When I show up at your house, or you come here for a one on one session, I may have a goal, or something I want to accomplish in our session; and until I see how your body is moving in space that day, I am not truly able to prescribe an exercise, or set of exercises.

I am never completely OFF.  My day starts at 5 am, I read my email, glance at any phone files I need to, scroll through social media, address anything that needs to be addressed,or I want to address,  while I enjoy the roughly 1 to 1.5 hours I have for myself in the quietude of the morning.  My mornings, have become, my time, my most important time of the day.  The only time, I have truly to myself.  After I answer my email…

There have always been people faster than me, there always will be, and there will always be people slower than me.  And I am okay with that. It is my job, to be the best version of mySELF.  To not compare myself to anybody else.  And improve the one person I am able to, me.

 It’s pretty obvious I don’t catch everything with my clients.  I am only human, however, it is more important to me, at this stage of my life, that I 1st take care of them, guide them.  Help them achieve their goals.  Even at the expense of playing Mrs Potatohead with one of mine.  And this is OK with me.  I have the freedom to set my hours, flippy floppy my workouts, I have flexibility.  Not everyone does.  And if I’m tired, from lack of sleep, or have been sitting here too long, and I need to simply do it some other time.  I have that time.  This is my blessing.  

I have roughly 13 Months left to enjoy my family.  I am so excited for the next chapter in my life.  My caterpillars, have turned into butterflies, and I am ready to let them fly. 

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They are almost ready, and are to the stage, that they are either able to learn from what I have taught them, or learn from their mistakes.  One is so confident, she will only learn from her mistakes. We are both ready for her to move on with her life.

It will be nice to have 2 less petri dishes in the house.

Which gets to really, what is going on with me right now…

I’m not sure, I have no idea, it’s beginning to make me wonder.

I do know, I wish that if you are sick, or your kids are sick, please, PLEASE, keep yourself, and your children at home.

My kids bring home viruses from school.  That is the biggest place of viral, and bacterial sharing.  Please, keep your kids at home.

I had to quit El Paso Puzzler, because I was sick.

And now, I am 10 days in to a intestinal virus.  Missed another race.  I had it bad, it got better, had a relapse x 2.  Each relapse has been better than the last one, can it just be over it already?!?!  I am ready!

Now it is true, I have an auto-immune disease, or at least they call it that.  I do get more sick, frequently, because of the Celiac’s.  Add in the high volume of training I typically do, and the lack of sleep I get, because of my roommates, and I am at an even bigger disadvantage to fighting things off.

The irony of missing El Paso… again….  I usually explain to people, no it’s good, you have to think, about what could have happened, a crash, a mechanical, a traffic accident.  I believe, in divine intervention.  Most people do.

So instead of racing in El Paso, I decided to cut my foot on some rusty nails in the cement on my front porch that are sticking out, that were left behind with the removal of the old rinky dink porch fence.

So no running, or swimming for over 2 weeks.  I don’t usually swim or run too frequently during a taper for a bike race.  Especially if I am fighting an intestinal virus.

I am supposed to race the 505 TT next weekend, and the Lobo Triathlon.

I am definitely going back and forth on it.  I still haven’t been able to run.  I did swim 2300 meters long course yesterday.  And then, limped by to see the Lobo Triahtlon training group in Johnson Field, before limping to my car.

Just sitting here with pressure on it, it’s a 2-3.  I have to say, it is healing nicely, I still haven’t run.  I want to run so bad, I want to run up the mountain.  I just want to go, and go, and go.

My poor feet.

My poor intestines.

I am so excited for my 2 clinics coming up that start this week.  I get to share my love of mountain biking with some women, and share my love of swimming, while sharing my knowledge, and expertise, while hopefully instilling a love of both, to increase participation in sport.

I’m just going to take a deep breath, and ride the wave.

Thanks for checking in.

Peace and Love.

Coach Zoe