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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I have a feeling….

that I’m “Born to Run”.

I’m not sure where this is going to lead me, I have a craving, an urge, or maybe it’s just a wild hair…but it does kinda scare me :o)

I have been suffering from a tremendous amount of pain.  I have to get off the pain medicine!  It is getting me in TROUBLE!!  I went to the woods to walk with the dogs today, I had no pain so I walk/jogged, it felt great, until, well, the pain medicine wore off.  Today is better than yesterday, but not yet where I want it to be.

I wore my new shoes.  My Mizuno Wave Universe 3’s.  My new shoes that I was bringing to my friend to show, when I fell and broke my jaw.  They are totally awesome.  I was wondering what they would be like off road. They were TOTALLY awesome!!  I, of course, was being careful and doing a walk/jog, making sure that I didn’t fall.  That’s my priority for the next two months.  I did test them out on the rocks going up hill, one was slimy and a little wet, WOW did they grip.  I felt comfortable and safe, and can’t wait to really get busy with them.  I love them so much I am going to return my other shoes and buy another pair of these.  You can’t lose with these!

My good friend and I are stirring the pot.  We really need your help and your voice.  We are in the midst of our land being raped and pillaged all for money.  Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, yet, my very devout christian neighbors are selling themselves to the devil for money.  They are selling their souls to the Natural Gas Companies.  Now you’re rich, but all your animals are going to get cancer and die.  You’re rich but now you’re going to get cancer and die.  You’re rich but it’s only about you, it’s not about your health, your neighbors health, or your community.  I’m all about having nice things, I’m all about working hard for my our money.  Free money is never free, especially when people can die from the greed.  The whole town could blow up, the water can become contaminated, I’m not going to drink it anymore.  My children will not be allowed to drink it either.  We’re already having unexplained illnesses in our children.  What will it take for us to be safe from the greed of our pocket books.

Today is Earth Day.  There is so much that we can do.  If we all simply decreased our use we wouldn’t need to drill.  Did you know that all the drilling is causing earth quakes?  We are causing earthquakes with our greed.  All it really takes is building wind farms and solar farms and we wouldn’t have to take the core of our earth out.  We wouldn’t need to use so much coal.  I actually heard today that the cost of health care in a mining town in West Virginia is actually more expensive than the cost of the jobs and income that those jobs provides.  We have to pay more in HEALTH CARE for the diseases and deaths caused by coal mining then they  make.  When are we going to figure it out.

It’s simple.