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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

I am so blessed.

I would like to share some testimonials. I am blessed enough to be part of my athletes experiences:

“I actually thought about you and Robert constantly while I was doing the Yoga….the last time I went to yoga which was way before I started working with ya’ll….I had NO balance, NO strength and NO stamina. This time….. I did the entire 90 minutes…sweating like a pig…..I don’t have the flexiblity to advance some of the poses but I could hold 90% of the basic poses. I felt stronger than I had in a long time.”

Great Job Tiffany!!

“I would like to thank you for making me make my legs hurt today. I am sore from the weights + the intervals.”
My response, “Do I hear sarcasm in your typing?”
“No it is genuine. If it was not for you my fitness would not be where it is today”
“Thank you for being a super patient, motivating, & great coach!”

Great Job Michael!  I’m only part of the equation.  You’re the one doing all the work!!  You are Concentrated, Committed, and Dedicated.  I remember, you took almost 30 minutes off your last Palo Duro Marathon Time!  Kudos!!