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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Frickin’ Absolutely Incredible Week

I am really excited to be printing out an  ATP(Annual Training Plan) for 2014.

Now, that is what I  call commitment.

I am so excited to part of Rich Szecsy’s 4th year of training and racing!

It’s going to be an absolutely frickin’ awesome year Rich, absolutely!

And like every year, we are going to push you to new limits, and find you a new pain threshold.  As well, as get you places, you never thought imaginable.

And, of course, I mean this in only the most sincere and respectful way; with gentleness and kindness in my heart.


Monday I got in my Epic Ride.  You know, one of the rides that was on my bucket list.

“Ride Around the Mountain”

Because of Ken’s car accident, I had missed 2 weeks of a build.  Ouch, that hurts, and I know, “The Ride Around the Mountain” is going to be even more painful.


A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

I was so tempted to take the 5 pounds off my bike by putting on my Stan’s Gold 29er’s but I knew, that I would have to call myself a pussy if I did that.  So I grew some ballZ and off I went.

By the time I got to Placitas and made the turn, I had averaged 15.6 mph.  I was like, WOW!

But that soon would blow out like a 60 tpi tire on the Puzzler course.



This is about 17 miles down hill from where I am going.  I am still excited about my ride, and things have been going super good.  I saw some red rock, I love the red rock, and thought, ‘this would be a great time to photo up’.

At this point, I still had no idea where I was going, what it was going to be like, or how I would survive.

I am still happy.

And still at 15.6 mph.



And as always, I brought along my Infinit,

and My Rudy’s.

So, here goes happy Zoe.

I have ridden to the “Historic Town of Placitas” before on my road bike.

They make it seem like the dirt road is just right around the bend.

I guess it is, around 6 miles of bend before you actually hit dirt.

There have been sightings of cougars and cougar cubs, and Momma’s spotted on this road, so before I became too isolated I made sure that my knife was in close proximity to my hands.

I hate to be so “paranoid” but it is better to plan,

and not use, then, to not plan,

and to need.

Many folks ride this on their Road Bikes.

It makes sense, in some ways, because there is only 8 miles of dirt.

With 50 psi in my Mountain Tires, I could not imagine the discomfort that would come doing this road on a road bike.

But then, the time spent on the road would be cut in half.

Is the glass half full, or are you a pessimist?

I say, carrying 23.5 pounds of bike, and well over 10 pounds of supplies, and probably closer to 20,  in your Camelbak HAWG is the way to go in training, especially if you’re training for LT100.  Catch my drift?

I was climbing slow enough, I did see a very large cat print in the soft dirt to the side of the road.  I so wanted to stop and take a picture so I could share it with my internet readers, but I didn’t think it was in my best interest.

I thought, keep calm and carry on.

So right before I came to this sign, I had an interesting thing happen on the side of the mental game:

I heard myself think, or say, “This is so unfair.”

1st off, I can’t remember the last time I held those thoughts or even said it.

I literally laughed out loud and mentally responded to myself, ‘you’re the one who signed up for this crap, what do you mean it’s not fair”!!??  Shut up, and ride on!



I will say, that I thought I was almost done when I saw this sign, no way, I’m not even half way up the dirt.

That was a total mind blow!

I have never been known as a quitter, but I am pretty sure, at this point, I began contemplating calling my friend who lives in Tijeras, for a pull through the Canyon, and thinking how I was pretty sure, I wanted help getting home.

I didn’t want a ride, I just knew, I would want that external help to make my return so much easier.

I continued to climb.

I climbed for almost 3 hours.

I came to my favorite vista from the Sandias:


Isn’t it gorgeous?!?

This particular view is one of the reasons I love skiing at Sandia.

I’m pretty sure that is Madrid.

Unfortunately, I still had climbing to be done.

I finally got to the top where 165 hits the Crest Road.

Stopped and had lunch,

Tweeted: “I never thought I would see the day when I said, “I’m tired of climbing” more later. It’s all downhill from here.”

And, of course, had a double espresso with extra energy 5 tsp of sugar.

Down I went.

It was windy, and I really started to pray for a pull, and even thought more about calling my friend, and my other friend who lives at Tramway and the Freeway.

I kept at it, down, down, getting tossed around, even on my mountain bike.

Tijeras, made the turn West, and Bam!  At least 30 mph winds, and probably upwards to 40 coming straight at me.

I kept praying.

And soon my angel would arrive.

I grabbed onto his wheel.

And did everything I could do to hold on .

This was the hardest I had worked all day, and I am 5 hours into a ride.

And my power output and my HR was higher than it had been all day.

I just held on and prayed, “Thank you, God”

And Thank You, Louie Caruso, Father and Father in Law to 2 of the fastest riders in NM, MattandMindyCaruso.

He turned left, I turned right on Tramway, and I knew everything was going to be OK.

I also, was reminded, how we need to be careful for what we ask for, because God gives us everything we need.

Thank you, God.

p.s  I also rode my fastest lap on Wednesday at Bear Canyon.  Man, I wish I would have had the data on that.  At the end, I went to turn the Garmin off, and it responded, “Timer Started”  DOH!

And I am so glad I got this ride in when I did, because now, it’s on fire.  There is a pyromaniac on the loose in ABQ right now.  This fire, a total of 5 blazes were set at the La Luz Trailhead yesterday, and another 3-5 today.  When I catch the guy, I hope I have my knife, and a cougar.


Firefighters corralling blaze in Sandias