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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Denver: The Mile High City

I wonder why they call it Mile  High.  I know why they do, but ABQ  is pretty much at the same altitude, and then, you know in town’s like this you’re either up or down.  Well, actually, Denver is more flat.

I have been learning a lot and taking lots of naps.  I guess, that’s what I needed.

So right now I am cooking my eggs.  Yes, when I travel I bring a hot plate.  I can not stand not knowing where my food comes from, or eating out all the time.  I have the perfect amount of eggs to get me through tomorrow.

I contacted the Denver Trail Runners,   this super nice helpful guy, Jeff O’Reilly, hooked me up.  I asked for a place, 8000 feet that I could run laps, so I could pee and eat.

I know I have been doing this for over 15 years.  I met one of my old work co-horts on the elevator, 1993, Presbyterian Cardiac Rehabilitation. ..1993.  Amazing, he remembered me, and remembered a meeting we had when I talked about a persons ‘transitioning’ to another form.  To me, he looked really familiar but I couldn’t place it.  My brain is funny that way.  Chronological time is not my forte, neither are names.  I know for some time I did 80 hours of Sports Medicine continuing education every 4 years, and now I do 60 hours every 3 years.  So that’s over 300 hours of education in Sports Medicine, and of course, I have had much more than that, when you add up all my subsequent certs, and USA Cycling.  That’s almost crazy.  I generally feel like I want to further my education.  I feel, like the way I think, is like that of a Doctorate.  I also, feel like I really enjoy what I am doing, and don’t really want to do anything else.

I recognize, that I don’t really need any extra initials after my name in order to be respected for what I do, and to be the best.  Although, when I’m here, most people I run into, are surprised that I don’t have more initials after my name.

What I need more of is coffee.  I ordered room service last night.   Got really itchy afterwards, and I think, between something that my food was seasoned with, sulfate or sulfites (or the sodium benzoate in my root beer, my environmental DR feels like I should get tested to see if I’m allergic to Benzene, or the onions in my salad) and the gluten, I think, I may need a caffeine IV today.

I had a run scheduled, a one hour run.  I lifted yesterday, and I am so sore today.  I ran for 45 minutes the day before…I have my 2:40 run tomorrow, so simply put, in the best interest of Leadville Marathon, I am taking today off so that when I run 16 miles at 8000 feet tomorrow after spending all day today in meetings, and having a 12 hour drive in front of me, I feel it’s best to not do anything but ingest caffeine.  Is there a Starbuck’s at the trail head?

Did you read that…did you read that sometimes changes need to be made to your program in the best interest of what’s going on in your life?  That’s my job to ensure that you get the best program for you.

The key here is:  You CAN NOT and WILL NOT miss key workouts, unless there is illness.  Today is not a key workout, tomorrow is a Key Workout.  However, if you Mr Potato Head your program by adding stuff and taking stuff off, I can not be held responsible for poor race performance.  And if you’re OK with that, then, I am OK with that.

I like Colorado, not as much as New Mexico, the mountains are too high here, and Denver is really far from the mountains.  It’s a lovely place to visit however.  In ABQ it’s like, your car barely gets warmed up and you’re there.  Assuming you drive there.  Generally speaking one rides up the hill to the mountain.  Here if you have a 2 hour ride scheduled you never hit the mountains.  While in ABQ if you have a 50-60 mile ride scheduled you end up at over 10,000 feet, you get to ride ALL the way up the mountain.

Does Starbuck’s deliver?

I wish I could be working on my tan!  Too busy learning.

I can’t wait to swim!  I miss swimming, and riding my bike.  If I had my bike here, I would take it out and do a one hour ride.  I didn’t want to carry my bike here, carry my bike back to Texas, carry my bike back to New Mexico.  When I have 2 more bikes at home.  Do you hear that????  They are calling my name.  They are telling me how much they miss me.

I need to order a couple of pairs of running shoes.

I haven’t even moved yet, and I already miss my friends.

I miss my  husband immensely, I miss my girls, that I  feel like I have a hole in my heart.

The Great Spirit is challenging me.  I have been over powered with negative energy on a couple of occasions, for the most part, I have kept myself sane, as relaxed as I can.  When I was in NM I didn’t take my morning meditational prayer walks, and I found a dark place.  I realized, I can not go through my day without connecting with God, and giving thanks to all things in my life.  So every morning I go down 12 floors and do my little walk, with my stop at Starbuck’s and my Thank you God walk.

I want to go home.

Even as sick as I am when I am at home, I want to go home.  I will miss my home, and my friends, and the familiarity of all things that I have grown close to.  I love our house, and I know someone else will love our home as much as we do.  I will miss my co workers, I will miss swimming with Coach Tom, I will miss riding my bikes with my friends, I will miss my walks around the neighborhood, praying and blessing all my neighbors, I will miss the drive to work.  How many things will I miss?  I don’t see how all of this that I am going through is fair or right.

I will not miss being sick.  I will not miss worrying about pulmonary distress and wondering if this is the day I go to the hospital.

One thing I don’t miss right now…I don’t miss being sick.

I miss everything else.

So how is it I have come as far as I have without being angry.  Oh, I have had my moments…don’t ask Ken, I repeat:

DO NOT ask Ken.

When it is all said and done, and we have sold our house, then ask Ken.

The love of the Universe connects you to all things, making you the essence of  Life and Spirit,