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Zoe Fitness | Personal Coach

Can I get some O2 here

I have the head cold from hell.  Yesterday I was incapacitated completely.  Today, I am at least sitting at the computer.  That’s a start.  I am hoping to at least get some of my chores done.

The irony of it.  I thought I was having a little reaction to all the pollen, which I don’t have allergies, but figured that’s what it could be; so I kept trudging a long.  Until yesterday, ‘BOOM”!!  That’s when I knew.  Of course, it would have to happen after I dropped over 100 bucks for my first triathlon on Saturday, of course.  That should be interesting.  At least I have a new pair of shoes I get to check out!!

At least I ‘m being smart about it, resting, kind of…I did have to go to the grocery store yesterday, that kinda sucked.  Today, I’m going to try to get some of my chores done.  That oughta be interesting.  I have given the girls a ride to school each morning.  It doesn’t make any sense to be sick and stressed out.

I kinda can’t stand it, I have a new client, saw her on Tuesday and had to cancel today.  That’s the stuff I don’t like.  I’m sure I’ll be stir crazy.  My head is so full of stuff, my ears hurt, my equilibrium is off, and I feel like I would rather be shot with a shot gun in my face.  OK, so that last one is over dramatic, but at least I am painting a picture of the discomfort I am experiencing.

Last night was the first of my neurotic storms for the summer.  Driving home from the grocery store, a temperature drop of 20 degrees.  That always scares me, you know having seen a tornado while driving last summer, and the summer before having soft ball size hail coming horizontally through the truck.  Being a lightening rod doesn’t help the situation either.  I try to stay calm, but when I know there’s 50 mph hour winds and hail on the other side of 377 and the person in front of me is driving 20 mph under the speed limit, I may get slightly agitated.  I was trying to out run the storm, if I can just get to my garage before the hail hits, I’ll be happy.  Which we did.  There is always this one section of road from Southlake that makes me nervous, after Wal Mart and before Cross Timbers church.  Every where else I’m good.  I just hate being stuck without possible shelter.  Especially after last year, having to some how magically pull out of rush hour traffic, when I’m looking at rotating clouds and construction barrels flying and trees breaking to take shelter in some random lawyer’s office.  You begin to understand how powerful  nature is and how we are just pawns in the game of life.

Well, my tissues aren’t near and my head is about to explode so I’m outta here.