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I got to the turnaround in 4:14. Oh, I definitely made the cut-off to finish the whole thing. If I had to guesstimate I would have probably come in at about 7:45, or in between 715 and then. I knew I had 1 to 2 hours in me, I did not feel I had 3-4 hours in me. I wanted to feel good my 1st week in Albuquerque, I wanted to get the dogs before the Doggie Day Care closed. I wanted to ride long, I wanted to see the Rocky Mountains, I wanted to say 'hi' to

And that's exactly where we are right now. This morning I walked Molly up the Bluff for the last time; to lay her to rest; dust to dust. The week of Chicago ITU, on Monday, I said good bye. It was a tough time. She was such a good girl, she had so much love.  She also had a lot of fear and anxiety. I'm glad that she doesn't have any more fear or anxiety because it made her life, and my life, so difficult. She was such a good friend for so many years. It's sad

Here's an interesting article from Training Peaks: It's not something that is talked about frequently for obvious reasons. I would like to add some information to the article. Higher Progesterone levels also increase fat metabolism. That's one of the reason women crave more food, and especially more fatty foods near the onset of menstruation. Fluid retention: Women typically gain 3 to 5 pounds within the monthly cycle. This is huge for a couple of reasons: 1) you're carrying more weight so it decreases your power to weight ratio; You will be working harder to

Pushing your limits; takes you to the next level. Last weekend was my 1st big race for the season, Trinona International Triathlon.  The race was Sunday and I wanted to do the Time Trial the night before. The Time Trial is a trip up Garvin Heights, one of the Nation's Top 100 Climbs as rated by Outside Magazine.  And where the only "American to ever win the Tour De France", Greg LeMond trained for his Tour wins. I mean, why wouldn't you want to race up that thing and see what you're made

BREATHE 1, 2, 3 Breathe. Wow!  What an amazing adventure. I have been super busy planning and executing my 1st USAT sanctioned Swim Clinic.  As with all projects planning and execution of that said project, always takes 3 times longer than we plan!  ;) We have been inhabitants of Winona , MN.  I had heard of a Triathlon that came to town just prior to our uninhabiting back in 2004, Trinona. 2 years off from the sport of Triathlon, not something I am proud of.  Triathlon, like Mountain Biking, is my passion.  I have been

This season has become, yet another change in focus. Last year I did no triathlons because my foot was broken. The year before that I did no triathlons because well, I was training for a 50 mile run. This year, (and last) all about triathlon. Which is good, actually because I have noticed that there is not 1, NOT 1 Mountain Bike Race on the USA Cycling website for the state of MN.  Did I mention, not 1! Anyway that's not today's story. So there's this triathlon here in Winona, called Trinona, I've known about it

  2014 ZoeFitness Adult Open Water Swim Clinic  Lake Lodge at Lake Winona, Winona, Minnesota  May 17th and May 24th USAT Sanctioned Event Session One:  May 17th 2014 Time: 11:30am-1:00 pm Session Two: May 24th 2014 Time: 11:30am-1:00 pm* 1 Class May 17th – $50.00   To Register Online 1 Class May 24th-50.00 To Register Online 2 Classes – $70.00  To Register Online If for any unforeseen reason the clinic needs to be canceled,  refunds will be provided. This is a USAT Sanctioned Event.  A USAT Annual Liscense or Day License is mandatory with a signed waiver to participate.  If you hold